Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Herr Dr. Sean Patrick Saßmannshausen




Dipl.-Kfm. (Univ.) Sean Patrick Sassmannshausen, born 1971 in Wexford, Ireland, studied Intercultural Management at Friedrich-Schiller-University and the MPI in Jena, Germany, where he passed his finals with distinction. As a participant of the ERASMUS program he studied Scandinavian Area Studies in Odense, Denmark. Sassmannshausen gained practical experience in the British automotive industry, at a joint venture FDI production plant in Mauritius and while preparing the business plan for a Biotech start-up.

He started his PhD studies in year 2000 at the University of Wuppertal, Germany. He became a Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and from 2005 on is Managing Director of the Entrepreneurship Research Department at Schumpeter School of Business and Economics. Besides own research projects and teaching obligations, his managerial responsibilities include research funding, designing and advising research projects, organizing strat-up support and fostering academic spin-offs. Summer 2007 he visited Harvard Business School where he participated in a program on entrepreneurship education. During 2008 he was a Visiting Adjunct Clinical Professor at Thunderbird School of Global Management in Glendale/Phoenix, Arizona. He holds Visiting Faculty Positions in Austria, Poland and the Baltics.

Sassmannshausen is member of the Academy of Management (Entrepreneurship Division, Business Policy Division, International Management Division and Business History Division), the International Council of Small Business (ICSB) and the European Council of Small Business (ECSB), EFER (European Foundation of Entrepreneurship Research), the German FGF (Förderkreis Gründungsforschung) and the Allied Academics Entrepreneurship Department. He has served as reviewer for the ICSB World Conference, The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, for Thunderbird International Business Review and for the Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship.

Titel und Abstract des Dissertationsprojektes

Entrepreneurship-Forschung: Fach oder Modetrend? Evolutorisch-wissenschaftssystemtheoretische und bibliometrisch-empirische Analysen.

Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Lambert T. Koch (Wuppertal)



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1) Submitted work and publications in process


Editor in Chief of the AGSE IRE Conference Special Issue with the “Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability” (Co-Editors: Alex Martiz, AUS, Collin Jones, AUS, Howard Frederick, AUS, Liora Katzenstein, Israel, and Muray Gillin, AUS (Editor honoris), forthcoming 2011).


Submitted Journal Articles (under review):

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick & Ortlinghaus, Marten (submitted 2011): Steuerliche Herausforderungen und Informationsbedarf im Gründungsprozess: Eine Analyse von Internetforen. Submitted to: Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship (ZfKE).

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick & Volkmann, Christine (submitted 2011): „Gazellen“ – Schnell wachsende Jungunternehmen: Definitionen, Forschungsrichtungen und Implikationen. Submitted to: Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship (ZfKE).


Forthcoming Submissions (manuscript in final preparation for submission to a targeted journal):

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick, Biele, Marco & Reinert, Daniel (to be submitted 2011): The Role of Entrepreneurial Enterprises in the Field of Youth Employment by Offering Apprenticeship Training Positions: An Empirical Investigation (submission to Small Business Economics Journal).

Blumberg, Boris; Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick & Hofmann, Monica (to be submitted 2011): The Ethics of Business Owners and Managers: A Comparative Analysis in 25 Countries (submission to Journal of Business Venturing).

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick (to be submitted in 2011): Entrepreneurial Technology Scouting: Encouraging Academic Spin-offs by Utilizing the Theory of Individual-Opportunity Nexus (submission to Journal of Enterprising Culture).

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick; Kuhn, Birte & Zollin, Roxanne (to be submitted 2011): Measuring Entrepreneurial Management and Linking it with Performance: An Empirical Study in Australia (submission to International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research).

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick (to be submitted 2011): Addressing the Issue of PhD-Education in Entrepreneurship Education: Ten Steps to Rigor and Relevance (submission to Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice).

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick & Volkmann, Christine (to be submitted 2012): Social Entrepreneurship: A Bibliometric Based Review on Social Entrepreneurship and its Establishment as a Field of Research (submission to International Small Business Journal).

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick & Gladbach, Stefan (to be submitted 2012): Franchising in the Light of Entrepreneurship Theories: A Taxation (submission to Journal of Enterprising Culture).

2) Publications and submissions accepted for publication

Monographic Books:

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick (2011, forthcoming): Entrepreneurship-Forschung – Fach oder Modetrend? Evolutorisch-wissenschaftssystemtheoretische und bibliometrisch-empirische Analysen. (Zugleich Dissertation Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Schumpeter School of Business and Economics 2010). Köln, Lohmar: Eul Verlag (Reihe Entrepreneurship-Monographien).

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick (2003): Carl Zeiss – Wachstum in schwieriger Zeit: Ein Beitrag zur Unternehmensgeschichte von 1914 – 1930. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač.


Book Chapters (reviewed by editors or peers):

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick & Volkmann, Christine (2011, forthcoming): The Emergence of Academic Entrepreneurship at Wuppertal University – A Case Study. In: Kortzfleisch, Harald v. (ed.): Professor Norbert Szyperski – Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag. Köln, Lohmar: Eul Verlag.

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick & Volkmann, Christine (2011, forthcoming): Growth and Sustainability of Academic Entrepreneurship at Wuppertal University. In: Kortzfleisch, Harald v. (ed.): Professor Norbert Szyperski – Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag. Köln, Lohmar: Eul Verlag.

Gladbach, Stefan & Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick (2011, forthcoming): Zielgruppenspezifische Methoden in Entrepreneurship: Fallstudien als Vermittler zwischen Theorie und Praxis. In: Wagner, Dieter et al. (Hrsg.): Entrepreneurship Education: Symposium des Brandenburgischen Instituts für Existenzgründung und Mittelstandsförderung (BIEM e. V.). Köln, Lohmar: Eul Verlag.

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick; Biele, Marco & Koch, Lambert T. (2009): Fitz-Ritter Wine Estate: 220 Years of Tradition and Entrepreneurship (Case Study). In: Hisrich, Robert D. (ed.): International Entrepreneurship: Starting, Developing and Managing a Global Venture. Sage Publications Ltd.

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick (2009): Der homo oeconomicus im Spiegel kognitions- und biopsychologischer Erkenntnisse: Eine Kritik und Anregung für neue Konzeptionen. In: Nutzinger, Hans G. / Goldschmidt, Nils (ed.): Vom homo oeconomicus zum homo culturalis. Lit Verlag, pp. 61-86.

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick; Fuchs, Barbara & Kautonen, Teemu (2008): Unternehmen erfolgreich starten: Welchen Beitrag leistet die Politik? In: Kraus, Sascha / Fink, Matthias (ed.): Entrepreneurship: Theorie und Fallstudien zu Gründungs-, Wachstums- und KMU-Management. Facultas Universitätsverlag.

Koch, Lambert T.; Grünhagen, Marc & Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick (2005): Kooperation in EXIST-Gründungsförderungsnetzwerken: Eine explorative Untersuchung zur Bedeutung von Promotorenfunktionen. In: Achleitner, Ann-Kristin et al. (ed.): Entrepreneurship Jahrbuch 2004/05: Gründungsforschung und Gründungsmanagement. Berlin u.a.: Springer.

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick (2001): Wesen und Wege der Selbständigkeit. In: Koch, Lambert T. / Zacharias, Christoph (ed.): Gründungsmanagement. München, Wien: Oldenbourg (S. 121–135 u. S. 472–473).



Conference Papers and Proceedings (double blind review, selection):

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick (2011): “Entrepreneurial Technology Scouting” – A New Theory Driven Method in Generating Higher Levels of Spin-off Activities at Universities. In: Proceedings of the ICSB World Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick (2011): How to jump start PhD Theses in Entrepreneurship Research: A Practical Heuristic for PhD Instructors and Students. In: htt/Maritz, Alex (ed.): Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2011, Proceedings of the 8th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, The Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.

Gladbach, Stefan & Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick (2011): Entrepreneurship Education between Theory and Practice: Case Study Based Teaching as a Method of Creating Future Entrepreneurs. In: Maritz, Alex (ed.): Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2011, Proceedings of the 8th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 1121-1130.

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick; Ortlinghaus, Marten & Gladbach, Stefan (2011): Entrepreneurs and Malpractice in Tax Management: An Empirical Investigation in Germany. In: Maritz, Alex (ed.): Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2011, Proceedings of the 8th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, The Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick (2011): Entrepreneurial Technology Scouting: Encouraging Academic Spin-offs by Utilizing the Theory of Individual-Opportunity Nexus In: Mitra, Jay (ed.), Proceedings of the 10th International Entrepreneurship Forum, Kingdom of Bahrain.

Kuhn, Birte; Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick & Zollin, Roxanne (2010): “Entrepreneurial Management” as a Strategic Choice in Firm Behavior: Linking it with Performance. In: Groen, Aard et al. (ed.): Proceedings of the “High technology Small Firms Conference (HTSF)” 2010, University of Twente, NL.

Kuhn, Birte; Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick & Zollin, Roxanne (2010): Measuring the Construct of “Entrepreneurial Management” in SMEs and Linking it with SME Performance. In: Klyver, Kim (ed.): Proceedings of the 16th NORDIC Conference on Small Business Research, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding, DK.

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick (2010): The Bibliometrics of Entrepreneurship Research: An Empirical Examination of Scholarly Behavior, Impact and the Development of the Field. In: Klyver, Kim (ed.): Proceedings of the 16thNORDIC Conference on Small Business Research, Kolding, DK.

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick; Kuhn, Birte & Zollin, Roxanne (2010): Measuring Entrepreneurial Management and Linking it with Performance: An Empirical Study in Australia. Paper presented at the Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER), Regensburg, Germany.

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick (2010): Publish or Perish: An Examination of Scholarly Research Behavior in Entrepreneurship Research. Paper presented at the AGSE 2010 (University of the Sunshine Coast, AUS), printed full paper version published in: Langan Fox, Janice (ed.): Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2010, The Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.

Blumberg, Boris; Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick & Hofmann, Monica (2009): The Ethics of Business Owners and Managers: A Comparative Analysis in 25 Countries. Paper presented at the Management of Academy Annual Meeting, Chicago.

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick (2009): Publish or Perish: An Examination of Scholarly Research Behavior in Entrepreneurship Research. Paper presented at the ICSB World Conference, Seoul, SK.

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick & Kuhn, Birte (2009): Measuring Entrepreneurial Management and Linking it with Performance: An Empirical Study in Australia. Paper presented at the ICSB World Conference, Seoul, SK.

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick (2009): The Entrepreneur, the Organization and the World out there: A Bibliometric Review of 1,239 Papers on Networks, Social Capital, Cooperation, Inter-Organizational Relations, and Alliances in Entrepreneurship. Paper presented at the Twenty-Eighth Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Abstract published in the Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Babson MA (USA).

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick; Hallbach, Arnd; Flohr, Christoph & Gladbach, Stefan (2008): Would Schumpeter and Stevenson ever have Lunch together at McDonald´s? An Empirically Based Theoretical Approach towards the Definitions of Entrepreneurship and its Relationship with the Franchisee. Paper presented at the ICSB World Conference, Halifax, CAN.

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick & Biele, Marco (2007): The Role of Entrepreneurial Enterprises in the Field of Vocational Training and Youth (Un) Employment: New Findings and Policy Implications. Paper presented at the AGSE 2007, Brisbane AUS, printed full paper version published in: Gillin, L. M. (ed.): Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Melbourne AUS.

Blumberg, Boris; Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick & Hofmann, Monica (2007): The Ethics of European Entrepreneurs: Comparative empirical analysis of attitudes and behavior of entrepreneurs, managers and the remaining population. In: ICSB World Conference Proceedings (Best Paper Nominee), Turku FIN.

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick (2006): Hayek’s Theory of Group Selection and Entrepreneurial Networks: An Evolutionary View on Network Institutions and the Utilization of Social Capital. In: Bygrave, William D. et al. (Hrsg.): Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fives Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Babson MA (USA).

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick & Reinert, Daniel (2006): Apprenticeship training positions in young and newly founded enterprises: Empirical research and results from Germany. Paper presented at the AGSE, Auckland, NZ, printed full paper version published in: Gillin, L. M. (ed.) (2006): Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Melbourne AUS and Auckland NZ.

Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick (2005): The Breeding-ground Hypothesis: Social Capital, Entrepreneurial Networks and Local Industrial Clusters: An Evolutionary View. Paper presented at the Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER), Amsterdam NL.

Koch, Lambert T.; Gruenhagen, Marc; Kautonen, Teemu; Kuhn, Wolfgang & Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick (2003): Evolution of cooperation in new venture support networks: An exploratory study on the role of promoters. In: Bygrave, William D. et al. (Hrsg.): Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research: Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Babson College MA (USA).


Teaching Materials for Distance Learning (Lehrtexte der FernUniversität Hagen):

Saßmannshausen, Sean Patrick (2003): Fallstudien in der Gründungslehre: Ein Leitfade zur Bearbeitung mit praktischen Beispielen. In: Gründerfernstudium – Professionalisierungsstudium “Start-up Counselling”, Hagen: Selbstverlag der FernUniversität Hagen.

Koch, Lambert T.; Saßmannshausen, Sean Patrick & Kuhn, Wolfgang (2001): Ziele der Gründungsförderung. In: Gründerfernstudium – Professionalisierungsstudium “Start-up Counselling”, Hagen: Selbstverlag der FernUniversität Hagen.

Koch, Lambert T.; Kuhn, Wolfgang & Saßmannshausen, Sean Patrick (2001): Träger der Gründungsförderung. In: Gründerfernstudium – Professionalisierungsstudium “Start-up Counselling”, Hagen: Selbstverlag der FernUniversität Hagen.

Koch, Lambert T.; Kuhn, Wolfgang & Saßmannshausen, Sean Patrick (2001): Instrumente der Gründungsförderung. In: Gründerfernstudium – Professionalisierungsstudium “Start-up Counselling”, Hagen: Selbstverlag der FernUniversität Hagen.


Additional Teaching Materials, small case studies, reviewed and non-reviewed paper presentations and research reports on request.


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