Center for Graduate Studies

Project support for doctoral students

You want to organize – on your own or as a team – a specialist workshop or conference or realize a different project which several PhD students would benefit from?

The CGS promotes research projects initiated by doctoral students. We provide financial and organizational support for guest lectures, method workshops and other academic activities.

Goals of the project support for doctoral students

Funding granted in the framework of the CGS project support aims to

  • promote networking and the exchange of ideas among postgraduates and postdocs from UW and other German and international universities
  • intensify the research activities of junior scientists
  • support PhD students in completing their thesis and in the run-up to the doctoral examination
  • foster interdisciplinarity
  • provide opportunities for the acquisition of key (organizational, communicative etc.) qualifications
  • expand the University of Wuppertal's range of academic offers
  • promote the University of Wuppertal's image as a research center of excellence

The allowance of funding for projects by PhD students is decided on a by-case basis. To apply for funding, please submit a relatively informal application including all relevant details of the intended project.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the CGS manager Julian Hanebeck or Stefanie Jansen during their indicated office hours.