Center for Graduate Studies

Online funding databases

Due in part to the federal 'excellence' drive, postgraduate funding in Germany is currently in a state of flux, and the range of scholarships on offer varies accordingly. In such a situation it is more important than ever to inform yourself regularly about available offers. The following addresses may be useful for this purpose:


ELFI provides comprehensive and up-to-date information on research funding available in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Quick and easy to use, the service is organized by subject and covers major funding programs, scholarships and competitions, as well as assistance with individual travel and material costs. Weekly updates ensure information is current and accurate.

UW is a licensed participant in ELFI, so all registered UW network users have access rights (information on VPN external network access for home workstations within the UW network is available from the University Information and Media Center web pages: ZIM). No charge is made for access to ELFI web pages via but the system requires registration with personal details and self-selected password. Should you have any problems using ELFI, CGS staff will be happy to help. You may access and work in the ELFI database free of charge from the CGS office. contains information on over 600 German funding programs from more than 400 different institutions.