Center for Graduate Studies

Bi-nationally supervised doctoral procedures ("Cotutelle")

Bi-nationally supervised doctoral procedures („Cotutelle“)

The University of Wuppertal offers binational doctoral programmes ("Cotutelle"). The "cotutelle procedure" enables doctoral students to achieve a jointly conferred degree at two universities in two different countries. For this purpose, doctoral students have to comply with the requirements and regulations of both universities. Further detailed information will be determined between the participant universities in an individual contract of joint supervision.

Taking part in a "cotutelle procedure" should be considered when

  •     you want to secure academic connections to both participating universities
  •     you want to decide at a later stage in which country you would like to work in,
  •     you want to be able to participate in bi-national fields of work, or
  •     your area of research is strongly connected with the other country

For further information visit the webpage of the International Office of the BUW

Should you have individual questions regarding the procedure, the CGS advisory service provides help.

You can find an example guide for a cotutelle procedure from the School of Humanities here.