Center for Graduate Studies

Further useful addresses for international doctoral students at UW

As well as the CGS and the International Office, the following addresses may be useful for doctoral students, including those from outside Germany

Student Social Services (HSW) – a UW service unit responsible for accommodation and catering:

  • Accommodation – Due to high demand, accommodation in nearby halls of residence cannot be guaranteed for undergraduate or postgraduate students. The Student Social Services website has a special page for international students. This provides information on residence halls, the documents required for application for a room in halls, and tips on looking for accommodation on the open market.
  • Catering – The Student Social Services website also carries information on dining halls, cafeterias and the Grifflenberg Campus pub. The online weekly menu lists the current week's food offer.

Language Learning Institute (LLI) – offers a wide language learning program at low cost for all UW members. For special German courses for doctoral students see above.

Individual study center – Complementary to language courses, the LLI's individual study center is available to all UW members.

Religious groups – for information see the relevant web pages:

Other student organizations and activities

  • Student union (AStA) – organizes social activities: regular film shows, panel discussions, concerts, parties etc.
  • International Students Team (IST) – organizes regular activities with international profile and participation: e.g. bowling evenings, parties, excursions.