Center for Graduate Studies


You would like to orientate yourself professionally during the doctoral phase, gain key qualifications relevant to the labour market or prepare yourself specifically for entering the job market after the doctorate?

The ZGS course programme is mainly aimed at acquiring key qualifications during the doctoral phase and improving the doctoral process. However, the regular programme also includes individual application coaching, in which doctoral students or postdocs can receive feedback and coaching regarding a planned application. The following institutions at Bergische Universität Wuppertal also offer doctoral students further training and career services for various career paths:

  • Service Centre for Academic Personnel Development (SaPe)
  • Career Service
    The offers of the Career Service are also open to doctoral candidates and enable the targeted acquisition of key qualifications.
  • Science Career Centre (SCC)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The qualification programme "Pathways to Science" of the Science Career Center (SCC) is aimed at young academics who wish to pursue a career in higher education.
  • The Bergische Gründungsinitiative bizeps (Bergische start-up initiative)
    Doctoral students who want to start their own business can find advice, further training and financial support at the Bergische Gründungsinitiative bizeps.
  • Startup Centre