Polarisierte Welten. 41. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie

Titel des Vortrags: Bildung und familiale Solidaritäten
Datum des Vortrags: 28. September 2022
Ort der Konferenz: Bielefeld, Deutschland
Von: Ekaterina Chicherina
On September 28, I had an opportunity to present a part of my dissertation results at the Congress of German Sociological Association “Polarisierte Welten. 41. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie”, which was conducted at the University of Bielefeld, Germany, from September 26 till September 30. The name of the session where I took part, was “Globale Bildungsprogramme und deren locale Bearbeitung”. In our presentation, which we delivered together with Prof. Bühler-Niederberger, we were speaking about the role of intergenerational family solidarities in strengthening the motivation and success orientation for children’s academic performance, their education and career aspirations for the future. The discussion at the session was enriched by many presenters who raised up very noteworthy issues related to global and local educational processes, such as internationalization of educational policies, educational inclusion, educational migration among art students, etc.
I was happy to contribute to such a significant and interesting discussion at the congress. And I would like to thank ZGS for the financial support, which allowed me to take part in one of the most important sociological events in Bielefeld, Germany.