Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM)

Titel des Vortrags: Tales from the Future: Exploring Game Design Strategies for Creativity and Play
Datum des Vortrags: 19. Oktober 2022
Ort der Konferenz: Salamanca, Spanien
Von: Anna Meshcheryakova
In late October, I had the wonderful opportunity to present my paper “Tales from the Future: Exploring Game Design Strategies for Creativity and Play” at the joint conference Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM)/GamiLearn in Salamanca, Spain. The paper reports on the findings of one of several design research projects that I am conducting over the course of my PhD. It was well received at the conference and sparked some interesting discussions.
Being part of the special tracks on games and gamification in the context of education, I had the opportunity to meet other researchers working from other disciplines working with similar methods, which made for interesting conversations and allowed me to collect a number of ideas for my future work.
During the conference, I was not only able to build connections with other researchers – some of which may lead to future collaboration – but also to explore a different country and cultures. The conference organizers arranged a few social events in the evenings, which allowed to engage with other participants from different parts of the world and experience some of the local culture. Being a world heritage site, the city Salamanca offers a variety of historic sites and museums, some of which I was able to explore with other conference participants.
Having started my PhD studies during the pandemic, it was a great meeting so many others researchers face-to-face. This experience has helped me develop my presentation and networking skills and enriched my PhD research project. Many thanks to the Center for Graduate Studies (CGS) and my faculty for the support!