Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Frau Steffi Heinecke




Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Professur für Soziologie, insb. Organisationssoziologie (seit 08/2011)
Studentische Hilfskraft, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Lehrstuhl für Soziologie II (01/2010-05/2011)



Studium der Soziologie transnationaler und globaler Prozesse, komparativer Makrosoziologie, internationaler und europäischer Politik sowie Andragogik an der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg (Diplom Soziologie, 2004-2011)
Sophiengymnasium Weimar (Abitur) (2004)

sechsmonatiger Forschungsaufenthalt in Warszawa (Polen, 2012/13)

Sommerschule der polnischen Sprache und Kultur, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski w Krakowie (Polen, 2011)
Auslandsstudium an der Adam-Mickiewicz-Universität Poznan (Polen, 2006/2007)


Titel und Abstract des Dissertationsprojektes

Studies on the post-socialist transformation in Central Eastern European Countries (CEEC) usually investigate the enormous economic or political change of the past 25 years. They tend to focus on the immediate aftermath of the fall of communism, oftentimes assuming a somewhat predefined development once a new path (a new institutional setting) is chosen. This PhD-project wants to redirect the attention towards a different area of the post-socialist society: the system of science and research, thereby challenging the conception of radical change. In the case of the Polish science system, it seems like no real path was chosen.
Early reforms established some basic features of the new system, most importantly the autonomy of universities and freedom of research, but trend-setting policies were missing in the first twenty years after 1989. As a result, the structure of the system did not change as radically as would be expected. One indicator being the persistence of the sectoral division inherited from socialism: including the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS) conducting basic research; the Governmental Research and Development Institutes (GRDI) responsible for applied research; and the Higher Education Institutions (HEI).
The project therefore applies a different approach towards macro-level institutional change: as proposed by Streeck and Thelen, processes of institutional change and reproduction can occur simultaneously leading to the gradual transformation of institutional settings.
In the Polish case, political reforms did not lead to the intended change since they were ill-fitted for the post-socialist context. Change did, however, occur on the sectoral level to different degrees due to sector-specific environmental demands. The first twenty years of the post-socialist science system were marked by processes of reproduction and processes of change concurrently leading towards the introduction of new reforms in 2010/11. Institutional change has unfolded stepwise and relatively late–turning the first twenty years into an interesting object of sociological inquiry. Of special interest is not only the institutional change that occurred at the macro-level, but furthermore organizational changes that took place within the Polish Academy of Sciences and the disciplinary changes in the field of synchrotron radiation. In order to study the PAS as one the (if not the) most important research organizations in post-socialist Poland, its organizational structure and scientific output is investigated with regard to the varying faiths of its research institutes and its changed position within society. On the disciplinary level, the case of the first synchrotron light source in CEEC–SOLARIS–is used to retrace the build-up of a large research facility within this gradually transformed system.





„Institutioneller Wandel im postsozialistischen Wissenschaftssystem: Empirische Befunde aus Polen“, Vortrag im Rahmen des Kolloquiums des Interdisziplinären Zentrums für Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 14. Mai 2014.

"Das polnische Wissenschaftssystem im Postsozialismus: Stillstand und (institutioneller) Wandel"; Kurzvorstellung im Rahmen der Dritten Tagung Deutsche Polenforschung, Gießen, 20.-22. März 2014.

„Die Transformation des polnischen Wissenschaftssystems: Folgen und Folgenlosigkeit der institutionellen Umgestaltung“; Beitrag zur 20. Tagung Junger Osteuropa-Experten, Tutzing, 1.-3. Juni 2012.



Heinecke, Steffi, 2014: Return of the Jew. Identity narratives of the third post-Holocaust generation of Jews in Poland, von Katja Reszke (2013). Veröffentlicht auf www.pol-int.org am 14.05.2014.

Heinecke, Steffi, 2014: Jewish Poland revisited. Heritage tourism in unquiet places, von Erica T. Lehrer (2013). Veröffentlicht auf www.pol-int.org am 14.05.2014.

Thomas Heinze, Steffi Heinecke, 2012: Die Bürgergesellschaft im Strukturwandel. Problemfelder und Entwicklungschancen, von Friedrich Fürstenberg. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie.


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