Herr Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schöps
Technische Universität Darmstadt

Titel und Abstract des Dissertationsprojektes
Multiscale Modeling and Multirate Time-Integration of Field/Circuit Coupled Problems
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Michael Günther (Wuppertal) and Prof. Dr. Herbert De Gersem (Leuven, Belgium)
This treatise is intended for mathematicians and computational engineers that work on modeling, coupling and simulation of electromagnetic problems. This includes lumped electric networks, magnetoquasistatic field and semiconductor devices. Their coupling yields a multiscale system of partial differential algebraic equations containing device models of any dimension interconnected by the electric network. It is solved in time domain by multirate techniques that efficiently exploit the structure. The central idea is the usage of lumped surrogate models that describe latent model parts sufficiently accurate (e.g. the field model by an inductance) even if other model parts (e.g. the circuit) exhibit highly dynamic behavior. We propose dynamic iteration and a bypassing technique using surrogate Schur complements. A mathematical convergence analysis is given and numerical examples are discussed. They show a clear reduction in the computational costs compared to single rate approaches. (published 2011 by the VDI Verlag)
- International Multiscale Workshop 2010, Darmstadt. Higher-Order Multirate Co-Simulation for Field/Circuit Coupled Problems
- SCEE 2010, Toulouse. Multirate Time Integration of Field/Circuit Coupled Problems by Schur Complements
- ECMI 2010, Wuppertal. Multirate Time-Integration with Reduced Order Model
- EPNC 2010, Essen. Fitting Lumped Machine Models on the Fly
- Compumag 2009, Florianópolis: A Co-Simulation Framework for Multirate Time-Integration of Field/Circuit Coupled Problems
- SCEE 2008, Helsinki. Simulation of Lumped Electric Circuits Refined by 3-D Magnetoquasistatic Conductor Models
Refereed Articles
- Decomposition and Regularization of Nonlinear Anisotropic Curl-Curl DAEs (Markus Clemens, Sebastian Schöps, Herbert De Gersem, Andreas Bartel), In COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, volume 30, 2011.
- A Cosimulation Framework for Multirate Time-Integration of Field/Circuit Coupled Problems (Sebastian Schöps, Herbert De Gersem, Andreas Bartel), In IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, volume 46, 2010.
- Structural analysis of electrical circuits including magnetoquasistatic devices (Andreas Bartel, Sascha Baumanns, Sebastian Schöps), In Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2011. (Submitted)
Refereed Conference Papers
- Multirate Time-Integration of Field/Circuit Coupled Problems by Schur Complements (Sebastian Schöps, Andreas Bartel, Herbert De Gersem), In Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering SCEE 2010 (Bas Michielsen, ed.), Springer, 2011.
- A convergent iteration scheme for semiconductor/circuit coupled problems (Giuseppe Alì, Andreas Bartel, Markus Brunk, Sebastian Schöps), In Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering SCEE 2010 (Bas Michielsen, ed.), Springer, 2011.
- DAE-Index and Convergence Analysis of Lumped Electric Circuits Refined by 3-D MQS Conductor Models (Sebastian Schöps, Andreas Bartel, Herbert De Gersem, Michael Günther), In Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering SCEE 2008 (Janne Roos, Luis R. J. Costa, eds.), Springer, 2010.
Other Publications
- Multiscale Modeling and Multirate Time-Integration of Field/Circuit Coupled Problems (Sebastian Schöps), Dissertation, Bergische Universität, 2011.
- Coupling and Simulation of Lumped Electric Circuits Refined by 3-D Magnetoquasistatic Conductor Models Using MNA and FIT (Sebastian Schöps), Master's thesis, Bergische Universität, 2008.