Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Herr Sascha Alexander Ruhle






Sascha Alexander Ruhle, geboren 1983 in Schwelm, hat nach dem Abitur seinen Zivildienst bei der Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. im Rettungsdienst absolviert. Daran anschließend studierte er Wirtschaftswissenschaft an der Schumpeter School of Business and Economics an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal. Seine Studienschwerpunkte lagen in den Bereichen Organisation und Personal, Arbeits- und Sozialrecht, Unternehmensgründung und Wirtschaftsentwicklung sowie Wirtschaftstheorie. Während seines Studiums arbeitete er zunächst als Tutor und darauf aufbauend als Studentische Hilfskraft am Lehrstuhl von Professor Fallgatter. Praktische Erfahrung sammelte er bei Projektbetreuungen, unter anderem beim VOK DAMS Institut für Live-Marketing. Seit Oktober 2009 ist er als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter bei Prof. Fallgatter tätig.


Titel und Abstract des Dissertationsprojektes

Explaining Individual Differences in Workplace Commitments - The Role of Residual Bonds and Commitment Propensity
Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Michael J. Fallgatter (Wuppertal)

This dissertation project is based on three articles that try to identify the role of residual workplace bonds or commitment propensity in the explanation of individual differences. While the first one summarizes and explores the passivity of residual commitment based on the three-component-model, the second paper, accepted for publication in a forthcoming special issue of Human Resource Management Review, gives an in-depth overview of the residual affective commitment. The third article then integrates these ideas with the concept of commitment propensity. Based on this structure, I briefly summarized each of the three articles abstracts.

Abstract “Residual Organizational Commitment – Effects of Commitment to Previous Organizations on Current Organizational Commitment” [in German]
Organizational commitment of employees towards their employer is highly relevant for both the committed individual as well as the organization. Despite extensive research efforts, details of the development of OC remain largely unexplored, particularly with regards to differences at the person level. Aim of this paper is to deduce propositions on the role of residual commitment within this context. Based on the assumption that commitment does not necessarily end when organizational membership does, we posit that residual affective and residual normative commitment towards former organizations form competitive relationships with current commitment. Closer investigation of such parallel commitments may help explain inconclusive results of earlier studies investigating antecedents of OC. Finally, implications for research on organizational commitment and socialization will be discussed.

Abstract “Residual Affective Commitment to Organizations: Concept, Causes and Consequences.”
Research on affective organizational commitment has largely been conceptually restricted by the temporal boundaries of organizational membership, while only few authors have addressed how individuals may commit to an organization before becoming members. Given that individual careers increasingly span across a greater number of organizations, this restriction limits our ability to capture how employees experience their workplaces throughout their careers. Addressing this gap, this article contributes to the literature on affective commitment by arguing that individuals may remain affectively committed to an organization after having left it. We extend the temporal structure of affective commitment beyond separation by introducing the concept of residual affective commitment, and present a model of how such commitment is formed.

Abstract “Commitment Propensity – A Review and Proposal for Reconception”
Commitment propensity is an attempt to explain individual differences in commitment strength. However, due to problems of inarticulate construct clarity and problems to differentiate actual commitment from commitment propensity, the construct played a minor role in commitment research. Aim of this study is to show relevant links between the scattered research on commitment propensity and commitment. It redefines commitment propensity based on the understanding of commitment by Klein et al. (2012). Further, I propose commitment propensity as a mechanism that lies behind multiple individual factors, for which research has found influences on commitment strength, such as personality, self-regulation, and choice factors. The article concludes with a model of commitment propensity that helps to explain why and how individuals differ in both strength and scope of commitment.



  • Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2012, Boston, 03.-07.08.2012 (angenommen).
  • IFSAM World Congress, Limerick, 28.06.2012 (Mit H. Breitsohl).
  • Herbstworkshop 2011 der WK Personal, Gießen, 29.9.2011 (Mit H. Breitsohl)
  • Workshop der Kommission Hochschulmanagement 2011, Münster, 19.02.2011. (Mit M.J. Fallgatter, H. Breitsohl)
  • Herbstworkshop 2010 der WK Personal, Gießen, 12.11.2010. (Mit H. Breitsohl)
  • Conference on Commitment 2010, Ohio, 06.11.2010. (Mit H. Breitsohl)
  • 8. Jahrestag des Arbeitskreises Empirische Personal- und Organisationsforschung, Lüneburg, 08.2010. (Mit H. Breitsohl)
  • Workshop der Kommission Hochschulmanagement 2010, Flensburg, 20.02.2010. (Mit M.J. Fallgatter, H. Breitsohl)



  • Residual Affective Commitment to Organizations: Concept, Causes and Consequences (2012). Human Resource Management Review (accepted for publication). (Mit Breitsohl, H.)
  • Differences in work-related attitudes between Millennials and Generation X: Evidence from Germany. In E. Ng, S. Lyons & L. Schweitzer (Eds.), Managing the New Workforce: International Perspectives on the Millennial Generation. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. (In Druck. Mit Breitsohl, H.)
  • Affektives Commitment von Studierenden - Objekte der Selbstbindung und ihre Wirkung (2011). Hochschulmanagement, 6(3), 77-83. (Mit Breitsohl, H./ Fallgatter, M. J.)
  • Selbstbindung potentieller Wissenschaftler - Ausprägung und Wirkung des Organizational Commitments studentischer Hilfskräfte (2010). Hochschulmanagement, 5(3), 82-87. (Mit Breitsohl, H./ Fallgatter, M. J.)
  • The heirs of Schumpeter -an insight view of students' entrepreneurial intentions at the Schumpeter School of Business and Economics. Schumpeter Discussion Papers 2010-004. (Mit Mühlbauer D./ Grünhagen, M./ Rothenstein J.)
  • Ausprägung und Antezendenzfaktoren des "Organizational Commitment" von Studierenden: Eine Querschnittuntersuchung des Fachbereich B an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal. Arbeitspapiere des Fachbereichs Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften Nr. 210. (Mit Breitsohl, H./ Jakobs, Th. / Gries, D)


Sonstige wissenschaftliche Aktivitäten/Mitgliedschaften

  • Academy of Management (AoM)