Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Herr Safari Iloush

Druck- und Medientechnologie



My name is Iloush Safari. I am M.Sc. graduate in Industrial Engineering with a major in Socio-Economical System engineering, from Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran. Before that, I had studied Industrial engineering at Azad University of Sirjan with a major in systems analysis. Currently I am PhD candidate at Berische Universität Wuppertal, Faculty of Electro-, Information- and Median technique and continue my researches helping the OpenFred program.

During the last year of study as a Bachelor student at Sirjan Azad University, I worked in Asre Shadi Azimiye as a production engineer. I continued to pursue my studies by moving to Isfahan to follow the M.Sc. program of industrial Engineering at the Isfahan University of Technology, faculty of Industrial Engineering- one of the best universities of technology in Iran- with support from the scholarship awarded by the Ministry of education, science and research.

My academic focus was specialized in the domain of customer satisfaction, quality management, productivity and efficiency in industrial environments. My courses thus have familiarized me with current methodologies and theories in the areas of business relations and economic aspects of industrial systems. During this time I have submitted several papers to different national and international conferences mainly as oral presentation. At the same time I changed my work in order to getting new experience in other areas of my favorites. Therefore I worked in Masa Company as a quality engineer. In fall semester 2007 I worked for the first time in Azad University of Karaj as a teaching assistant and after that as a tutor. I can never hide the enjoyment of teaching to others. I continued then teaching in this university until end of 2009.

Titel und Abstract des Dissertationsprojektes

Optimization of job planning in a digital factory environment
Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. Kühn

The concept of a digital factory is based on the coexistence of the real factory and a virtual factory, being a complete representation of the real factory’s data. This includes information on resources, processes and operational data along with the ability to simulate factory devices and production processes. Our works focus especially on the operative production planning and control within the virtual factory setting and presents an effort to implement this concept for SME’s in the print and media industry. We investigate the different ways of optimizing the job planning especially in job shop and flow shop. Although originally designed for the printing sector, the system can be customized to meet other industries needs, given through its very universal representation of resources, processes and orders. The digital factory implementation offers both an advanced research environment and a high educational benefit for the production planning and control laboratory.



In Bearbeitung


  • Hejazi, S. R. and Safari, I. Determining and ranking of effective factors on SAIPA passenger car customers’ satisfaction using AHP technique, The fourth International Conference of Business and Economic Research, Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 2008.


Sonstige wissenschaftliche Aktivitäten/Mitgliedschaften

  • Member of Iranian Institute of Industrial Engineering (IIIE)
  • Member of Iran Management Association (IMA)

