Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Frau B. Ed., M. A. Paulina Lehmkuhl

Anglistik/Amerikanistik, Didaktik des Englischen


Since 09/2019: Research assistant and doctoral candidate in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) department at the University of Wuppertal, Germany

01/2019 - 07/2019: Pedagogical language specialist in the federal program Sprach-Kitas [Linguistic Daycare Centers] in Munich, Germany

01/2019 - 05/2019: Research assistant at the University of Trier, Germany

10/2016 - 09/2018: Master's program in English Studies (TEFL and Linguistics) at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich.

08/2017 - 06/2018: Student Assistant at the University of Trier

07/2017 - 10/2017: Student Assistant at the McGill University in Montreal

10/2013 - 06/2016: Bachelor’s program in teaching English and Computer Science at the Silesian University in Katowice

01/2015 - 01/2016: English teacher



• Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien
• Lexikalisches Lernen
• Design und Entwicklung von Sprachlern-Apps
• KI und Schreibkompetenz
• Professionalisierung von Lehrpersonen im Umgang mit digitalen Lernformaten


Research Interests:

• Teaching and learning with digital media
• Lexical learning
• Design and development of language learning apps
• AI and writing skills
• Teacher professionalization (digital competence)



Titel und Abstract des Dissertationsprojektes

Lexical learning in the digital age

This dissertation project investigates self-directed digital EFL lexical learning in the transition phase. The majority of coursebook-corresponding apps for secondary EFL lexical learning tend to focus on selected aspects of word knowledge and test words in a decontextualized way. They rarely follow the principles of multimedia learning, providing little feedback to the users. The ALL study (Apps for Lexical Learning) develops a new vocabulary learning app LexiFun (Fun with Lexis) that incorporates feedback, follows the principles of the mental lexicon (e.g. work with synonyms, antonyms, associations, categories, context) and considers multimedia learning theories (e.g. CTML, Cognitive Load Theory). The main goal of this project is to empirically investigate the effectiveness of these variables on learners' productive and receptive knowledge of different word types. Using a mixed-methods approach, this study also collects qualitative data from teacher and learner pre- and post-questionnaires. The selective use of learning diaries provides opportunities to gain insights into learners' self-regulated digital and non-digital lexical learning.




Lehmkuhl, P., & Frisch, S. (2023). Fostering TEFL-Specific Digital Competences of English Student Teachers and In-Service Teachers in a Cross-Phase Collaborative Seminar. Herausforderung Lehrer*innenbildung - Zeitschrift Zur Konzeption, Gestaltung Und Diskussion6(2), 150–170. https://doi.org/10.11576/hlz-6324

Frisch, S., Lehmkuhl, P.,Domnik-Meyer, D. (2023). A 360-degree virtual tour. Präsentation der eigenen Schule mithilfe von interaktiven 360°-Fotos. Grundschule Englisch, 84,12-15.

Lehmkuhl, P. (2022). Designing an EFL vocabulary app for autonomous lexical learning. In B. Grochala, M. Pokorska & M. Syrek (Eds.), Aktywizacja – innowacja – inspiracja w (glotto)dydaktyce“ [Activation - Innovation - Inspiration in (Glott)Didactics], 41-53. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.


Vortragstätigkeiten und Posterpräsentationen


"Beyond the Classroom: Exploring Factors Influencing Secondary School Students' Usage of EFL Apps for Self-Directed Lexical Training.“ Presentation at the ARDAA 2024 PARIS International conference (https://ardaa2024.sciencesconf.org/resource/page?id=6&forward-action=page&forward-controller=resource&lang=en) at the Sorbonne University in Paris, France (26-28.07.2024).


mit Korell, Lea und Middelanis, Lisa. "Zukunftsvisionen 2050. Zwischen Mensch und Maschine: KI und ihre Rolle im fremdsprachlichen Schreiben“ ["Future visions 2050. Between man and machine: AI and its role in foreign language writing"]. Presentation at the annual meeting of the TechAG Research Group (GGK-Sektion 8 der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen) in Rauischholzhausen (04-06.07.2024).

mit Frisch, Stefanie & Gießler, Ralf. "(Digitales) Schreiben fördern in der Fremdsprache Englisch: Forschungsbefunde und Implikationen für die Praxis“ [Fostering (digital) writing in English as a foreign language: research findings and practical implications]. Presentation at the IZSLL Ringvorlesung "Schreiben im digitalen Zeitalter“ [IZSLL lecture series "Writing in the digital age“] at the University of Wuppertal in Germany.

"ComeIn (Communities of Practice NRW für innovative Lehrerbildung), CoP Fremdsprachen. Vorstellung der Aktivitäten der AG "Lexikalisches Lernen mit digitalen Medien"" [ComeIn (Communities of Practice NRW for innovative teacher training), CoP Foreign Languages. Presentation of the activities of the working group "Lexical learning with digital media"]. Poster presentation at Konvent für Lehrerbildung [Convention for Teacher Training] (https://soe.uni-wuppertal.de/de/gsa/konvent-fuer-lehrerbildung/) at the University of Wuppertal in Germany.

"Forschung zum Englischlernen mit digitalen Hilfsmitteln. Die ALL-Studie (Apps für lexikalisches Lernen): Wirkung von LexiFun-Inhalten auf verschiedene Dimensionen und Arten lexikalischen Wissens im Fach Englisch“ [Research on learning English with digital tools. The ALL study (apps for lexical learning): Effect of LexiFun content on different dimensions and types of lexical knowledge in English]. Poster presentation at Konvent für Lehrerbildung [Convention for Teacher Training] (https://soe.uni-wuppertal.de/de/gsa/konvent-fuer-lehrerbildung/) at the University of Wuppertal in Germany.

„Ich kenne das Wort, kann es aber nicht verwenden“ – Potential von Wortschatz-Apps für das selbstgestützte lexikalische Lernen im Fach Englisch ["I know the word, but I can't use it" - the potential of vocabulary apps for self-directed lexical learning in English]. Presentation at the 1. Symposium der Netzwerk Lexikalische Kompetenz (NLK): Rückschau und neue Impulse [1st Symposium of the Network Lexical Competence (NLK): Review and new impulses] (https://romanistik.de/aktuelles/7062) at the Paderborn University in Germany (16-17.11.2023).

"Die ALL-Studie (Apps for Lexical Learning): Wie Wortschatztrainer Dimensionen und Arten des Wortwissens beeinflussen“
[The ALL Study (Apps for Lexical Learning): The influence of vocabulary training apps on dimensions and kinds of word knowledge]. Presentation at the 30th DGFF Congress in Freiburg, Germany (26-29.09.2023) (https://kongress.dgff.de/30-kongress/)

"Apps für alle: oder nicht? Ergebnisse der ALL-Studie“. Presentation at the annual meeting of the TechAG Research Group at the University of Giessen in Germany (22-24.06.2023).

„From word reception to word production: The potential of EFL app features for fostering lexical knowledge dimensions of various word kinds“. Presentation at the EBFL 2023 (Evidence-based foreign language learning – Multilingualism in education) in Ascona, Switzerland (07-10.06.2023) (https://ebfl2023.ch/frontend/index.php?folder_id=5506&page_id=).

mit Brotzmann, Darja & Middelanis, Lisa. "Wie KI die Schreibkompetenz beeinflussen kann: von Schreibphasen zum Rollenverständnis von Hochschullehrenden" [How AI can impact writing skills: from writing stages to lecturers’ roles]. Workshop at the KI-Anwendungen beim Lehren und Lernen von Fremdsprachen und im wissenschaftlichen Schreiben [AI applications in teaching and learning of foreign languages and in scientific writingat the University of Bochum in Germany (https://learning-aid.blogs.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/fachtagung/)

"Potenzial von EFL-App-Funktionen zur Förderung lexikalischer Wissensdimensionen verschiedener Wortarten" [Potential of EFL app features to promote lexical knowledge dimensions of different word types.]. Presentation at the TEFL Research Colloquium at the University of Wuppertal in Germany.

mit Frisch, Stefanie. “Digitale fachbezogene Kompetenzen von angehenden und amtierenden Englischlehrpersonen aufbauen: ein Beispiel für die Theorie-Praxis-Verzahnung“ [Developing digital subject-specific competencies of English student teachers and in-service teachers: an example for theory-practice connection]. Presentation at the conference Lehrkräfteprofessionalisierung: Facetten, Förderung und zukünftige Herausforderungen [Teacher professionalization: facets, support, and future challenges] at the University of Wuppertal in Germany (23-24.03.2023).

"Die ALL-Studie: empirische Evidenz" [The ALL study: empirical evidence]. Presentation in the TechAG Research Colloquium at the University of Giessen in Germany.

mit Frisch, Stefanie. "Technology-supported EFL learning: 360-Grad Fotos im Englischunterricht der Primar-und Sekundarstufe" [Technology-supported EFL learning: 360-degree photos in primary and secondary EFL classrooms]. Workshop at the OER-Werkstatt [OER Workshop Series] organized within the ComeIn project (https://www.uni-due.de/comein/).

"The ALL study: zentrale Erkenntnisse der Pilotstudie und Ausblick auf die Hauptstudie" [The ALL study: key findings of the pilot study and an outlook for the main study]. Presentation in the TechAG Research Colloquium at the University of Giessen in Germany.

"ComeIn (Communities of Practice NRW für eine innovative Lehrerbildung): Vorstellung der Aktivitäten AG "Lexikalisches Lernen mit digitalen Medien““ [ComeIn (Communities of Practice NRW for innovative teacher training): Presentation of the activities of the working group "Lexical learning with digital media“]. Poster presentation at Tag der offenen Tür [Open House] at the University of Wuppertal in Germany.

"The ALL study. A mixed-method study into the effect of the “LexiFun” app content on self-directed English vocabulary learning of transition phase students (results of the pilot study).“ Poster presentation at Tag der offenen Tür [Open House] at the University of Wuppertal in Germany.

"Digitale Bildung im Teilstudiengang Englisch – ein Seminarkonzept" [Digital literacy in BA and MEd English – a seminar concept]. Presentation at the TEFL Research Colloquium at the University of Wuppertal in Germany.

"Hands-on Approach: Entwicklung und Implementierung von 360-Grad-Materialien im Fach English im Rahmen einer schulischen Kooperation" [Hands-on approach: Development and implementation of 360-degree materials in English within the framework of school-based cooperations]. Presentation at the VR/AR Competence Network at the University of Wuppertal in Germany.

mit Frisch, Stefanie. "Wortschatzlernen: digital, selbstständig, erfolgreich" [Vocabulary learning: digital, autonomous, successful]. Workshop at the Tag der digitalen Lehrkräftebildung [Digital Teacher Education Day] at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany.

Moderation of the roundtable discussion "Digitale Transformation in der schulischen Bildung" [Digital transformation in school education] at the DACH-Nachwuchsakademie [DACH Young Researcher Academy] at the Tyrol University of Education in Austria (21-25.02.2022).

"EFL lexikalisches Lernen mit Apps in der Erprobungsstufe" [EFL lexical learning with apps in the transition stage]. Poster presentation at the DACH-Nachwuchsakademie [DACH Young Researcher Academy] at the Tyrol University of Education in Austria (21-25.02.2022).

"Lexikalisches Lernen mit digitalen Medien" [Lexical learning with digital media]. Presentation in the research group Teaching and learning with digital media at the Institute for Educational Research at the University of Wuppertal in Germany.

"Die ALL-Studie: Zentrale Erkenntnisse der Pilotstudie und Ausblick auf die Hauptstudie" [The ALL study: Key findings of the pilot study and their implications for the main project]. Presentation at the TEFL Research Colloquium at the University of Wuppertal in Germany.

"Autonomiczne budowanie leksyki języka angielskiego z użyciem aplikacji mobilnych" [Autonomous English language lexical learning with mobile apps]. Presentation at the conference Aktywizacja - Innowacja - Inspiracja w (Glott)Dydaktyce [Activation - Innovation - Inspiration in (Glott)Didactics] at the University of Łódź in Poland (8-9.10.2021).

"Lexikalisches Lernen im digitalen Zeitalter - erste Erkenntnisse zum Wortschatzlernen aus Sicht von Schülerinnen und Schülern [Lexical learning in the digital age - Initial findings on vocabulary learning from the learners‘ perspective]. Poster presentation at the 29th Congress of the German Society for Foreign Language Research (DGFF) at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany (22-24.02.2021). 

"The ALL Study". Presentation at the TEFL Research Colloquium at the University of Wuppertal in Germany.

"Lexikalisches Lernen im digitalen Zeitalter" [Lexical learning in the digital age]. Presentation in the TechAG Research Colloquium at the University of Giessen in Germany.

"Lexical learning with analog and digital media". Presentation at the ADLES, DGFF and ÖGSD summer school Empirische Methoden der Fremdsprachenforschung. State of the art, Trends & Desiderata [Empirical Methods in Foreign Language Research. State of the Art, Trends & Desiderata] in Riezlern, Austria (3-4.07.2020). 

"Input Processing and Processing Instruction". Presentation at the TEFL Research Colloquium at the University of Wuppertal in Germany.


Sonstige wissenschaftliche Aktivitäten/Mitgliedschaften


  • Virtual Voyages - 360° materials in foreign language education (asynchronous learning module), (SS 24), University of Wuppertal 
  • Vocabulary Enhancement: Evaluating and Analyzing Digital Tools for the EFL Classroom (a hybrid learning module), (SS 24), University of Wuppertal 
  • Vocabulary Enhancement: Evaluating and Analyzing Digital Tools for the EFL Classroom (a hybrid learning module), (WS 23/24), University of Wuppertal 
  • Introduction to the English Language (Linguistics), (WS 23/24), Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg
  • Lexical learning meets digital competence: From theory to practice, (WS 23/24), University of Wuppertal
  • Introduction to Teaching English as a Foreign Language, (WS 23/24), University of Wuppertal
  • Introduction to the English Language (Linguistics), (SS 23), Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg
  • Introduction to Teaching English as a Foreign Language, (SS 23), University of Wuppertal
  • Introduction to Teaching English as a Foreign Language, (WS 22/23), University of Wuppertal
  • * Technology Assisted EFL Vocabulary Teaching and Learning: From Theory to Practice (WS 22/23), University of Wuppertal
  • Introduction to Teaching English as a Foreign Language (SS 22), University of Wuppertal
  • Introduction to Teaching English as a Foreign Language (WS 21/22), University of Wuppertal
  • * Learners and Teachers in the Context of Digitization (WS 21/22), University of Wuppertal
  • Introduction to Teaching English as a Foreign Language (SS 21), Bergische Universität Wuppertal
  • Introduction to Teaching English as a Foreign Language (SS 21), University of Wuppertal
  • Digital EFL Classroom” (WS 20/21), University of Wuppertal
  • Introduction to Teaching English as a Foreign Language (WS 20/21), University of Wuppertal
  • Introduction to Teaching English as a Foreign Language (WS 20/21), University of Wuppertal
  • Teaching and Learning English with New Media (SS 20), University of Wuppertal
  • Introduction to Teaching English as a Foreign Language (SS 20), University of Wuppertal
  • Visual Narratives in the EFL Classroom (WS 19/20), University of Wuppertal

*  – an innovative seminar form based on cooperation with English teachers from local primary and secondary schools


  • NLK – Netzwerk Lexikalische Kompetenz
  • AILA – Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée (International Association of Applied Linguistics)
  • CULTNET – Intercultural Community for Researchers and Educators
  • DGFF – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (German Society for Foreign Language Research)
  • EALTA – European Association for Language Testing and Assessment
  • GAL – Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (Society of Applied Linguistics)
  • SLE – International Society for the Linguistics of English


  • ComeIn:
    Establishment and management of a research group “Lexical learning with digital media” with the framework of the North Rhine-Westphalian project ComeIn (“Communities of Practice for Innovative Teacher Education”, https://www.uni-due.de/comein/). Key areas of work and research: 1) Innovative teaching concepts, 2) Networking with specialists from different stages of EFL teacher education, 3) Product development (task packages for EFL teachers, comprehensive evaluation framework for digital tools for lexical learning, checklist for choosing digital tools for vocabulary learning).
  • VR/AR Competence Network
    Active participation in the virtual & augmented reality competence network at the University of Wuppertal.

