Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Herr Omid Pouran






Omid Pouran is MSc Graduate in Structural Engineering from the Univ. of Manchester, UK. Since 2013, he is a Teaching and Research Assistant in the Dept. of Civil Engineering at the Bergische Universität in Wuppertal and an Employee of Krätzig & Partner GmbH, Bochum. His Area of Expertise is Analysis of RC Structures Exposed to Fire, Design of RC Structures Subjected to Elevated Temperatures and 2D/3D FE-Analysis of RC Plate and Shell Structures.


Titel und Abstract des Dissertationsprojektes


Modelling the Fire-induced Indirect Thermal Effects

This includes modelling of fire-induced indirect thermal effects within a reinforced concrete model and validation of the results with the consistent experimental results. The finite element method with the aid of SOFISTIK software package is utilized to model the thermal effects to attain the best approximate results.



Assisting the following lectures:

  • Fire Safety and Evacuation Concept;
  • Theory of Shell Structures;
  • Application of FE Program SOFiSTiK in Structural Engineering;
  • Statics.



  • Pouran, O., Harte R.: Thermal effects in design of reinforced concrete structures. Annual Conference on Research in Civil Engineering, Architecture and Stable Environment, Tehran, Dec. 2015 (in print)
  • Harte, R., Pouran, O.: Comparison of Design Strategies for Concrete Chimneys and Cooling Towers: CICIND Report Vol. 31, No. 2, 2015, 103-107
  • Harte, R., Kaemmer, K., Pouran, O.: Zur Berechnung und Bemessung von Kühltürmen und Industrieschornsteinen. In: Höffer, R., Hölscher, N. (Hrsg.) Festschrift Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Niemann. Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2015, (im Druck)
  • Pouran, O., Harte, R., Peter, C.: Nonlinear Structural Analysis of Cut-And-Cover Tunnels Exposed to Fire. In: Proc. of Applications of Structural Fire Engineering ASFE’15, Dubrovnik, Oct. 2015, 43-48
  • Pouran, O., Harte, R.: Nonlinear Structural Analysis of a 2D Cut-And-Cover Tunnel Exposed to Fire. In: Petryna, Y. (Hrsg.): Forschungskolloquium Baustatik-Baupraxis 2015, Döllnsee/Schorfheide, Sept. 2015, 26-27
  • Harte, R., Pouran, O.: Comparison of Design Strategies for Concrete Chimneys and Cooling Towers: CICIND Report Vol. 31, No. 2, 2015
  • Harte, R., Pouran, O.: Interaction and Intersection in Research and Development of Cooling Towers and Concrete Chimneys. Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures IASS, 2015, (in print)
  • Harte, R., Pouran, O.: Interaction and Intersection in Research and Development of Cooling Towers and Concrete Chimneys. In: Industrial Chimneys & Cooling Towers. Proc. of International Conference ICCT2014, Prague/Czech Republic, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 2014, 199-208


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