Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Herr Dr. Nael AL_Sheakh Ameen






In Bearbeitung


Titel und Abstract des Dissertationsprojektes

MPC for Multi-level Inverters
Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralph Kennel (Wuppertal)

Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a so called long-range predictive control strategy; therefore the prediction horizons could be longer than one sample step. The most known drawback of MPC in industrial applications is, however, its online implementation complexity, especially in fast sampling-time applications. To overcome this disadvantage Bemporad et al. proposed an algorithm to move the time-consuming part of the control off-line. This algorithm determines explicitly the state feed-back control-laws associated with MPC and shows that there are piecewise affine (PWA) functions. This algorithm uses the state vector as a parameter to solve the optimization problem (Multi- Parametric Programming), and the resulting control actions will be PWA functions. To control the system the controller has just to find out, which PWA function must be applied for the given system state vector, and then evaluates the appropriate linear control-law. This reduces the online computational effort of the optimization problem to a simple look-up-table, which could be used in the electric drive, where fast sampling time is normally required. To build the LUT and extract the control-laws during the implementation there are different algorithms, which reduce the elapsed time to get the proper PWA function from the stored data.



In Bearbeitung


    • 10-2011: IEEE PRECED2011, Workshop on Predictive Control (Munich, Germany)
      N. AL_Sheakh Ameen, B. Galal, R. Kennel, R. S. Kanchan
      The polynomial approximation of the explicit solution of model-based predictive controller for drive applications
    • 12-2010: EPE Journal (Vol. 20, No. 04)
      N. AL_Sheakh Ameen, A. A. Naassani , R. Kennel
      Design of a Digital System Dedicated for Electrical Drive Applications
    • 11-2010: SPS/IPC/Drives (Nürnberg, Germany)
      Stolze, Peter, N. AL_Sheakh Ameen, R. Kennel
      Predictive Control of Multilevel Inverters Using Online and Offline Optimization
    • 10-2010: RTL12 WS (Nairobi, Kenya)
      N. AL_Sheakh Ameen, R. Kennel
      Realization of the Explicit Solution of Model-Based Predictive Control for Electric Drive Applications Using RT-Linux
    • 10-2010: ABB SECRC Technical Report (Västrås, Sweden)
      N. AL_Sheakh Ameen, R.S.Kanchan, R. Kennel
      The P.U. models of the AC machine with different base quantities.
    • 10-2010: ABB SECRC Technical Report (Västrås, Sweden)
      N. AL_Sheakh Ameen, R.S.Kanchan, R. Kennel
      Explicit solution of model-based predictive control for electric drive applications
    • 10-2010: ABB SECRC Technical Report (Västrås, Sweden)
      N. AL_Sheakh Ameen, R.S.Kanchan, R. Kennel
      The polynomial approximation of the explicit solution of MPC for AC drive applications.
    • 4-2010: 5th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives PEMD 2010 (Brighton, UK)
      J. C. Ramirez Martinez, R. Kennel, N. AL_Sheakh Ameen
      Comparative Analysis of On-Line and Off-Line Explicit Solutions, applied in a Predictive Direct Current Control
    • 6-2008: Research Journal of Aleppo University (Vol. 62)
      N. AL_Sheakh Ameen, A. A. NAASSANI, A. B. ALKHODRE
      Realization of a Digital System for Electrical Drive Applications
    • 3-2008: EMAD Technical Report (Wuppertal, Germany)
      R.S.Kanchan, N. AL_Sheakh Ameen, R. Kennel, T. Mouton
      Three-Level Inverter Design with Neutral-Point Diode-Clamped & Flying Capacitor Topology.
    • 2008: Research Journal of Aleppo University (Vol. 64)
      N. AL_Sheakh Ameen, A. A. NAASSANI, A. B. ALKHODRE
      Use Open-Source Operating Systems (Linux) for Electrical Drive Applications
    • 6-2007: EMAD Technical Report (Wuppertal, Germany)
      N. AL_Sheakh Ameen, R. Kennel
      Pentium system set-up on basis PC104 for the experimental research of a V/f –control with SVPWM (Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation)


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