Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Frau Dr. Morena Lebens




Im Anschluss an das Studium der Psychologie beschäftigte sich Morena Lebens als Doktorandin im Department of Psychology and Education der University of Glamorgan mit den kognitiven und affektiven Dimensionen mathematischem Kompetenzerwerbs. Im Anschluss wirkte sie als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Dozentin an der Ruhr Universität Bochum in psychologisch-pädagogischen Forschungsprojekten mit. Gegenwärtig ist sie als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der Universität Wuppertal tätig. Schwerpunkte ihrer Forschungsinteressen sind die Modellierung und Diagnose psychopathologischer Informationsverarbeitungsprozesse.

Morena Lebens acquired her PhD in Psychology at the University of Glamorgan (Department of Psychology and Education). She worked at the Ruhr University of Bochum as a post doc researcher and is currently employed at University of Wuppertal (Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy). Her research is focussed on the structures and processes of the cognitive architecture and the measurement of psychopathological information processing strategies in the context of learning and instruction.



  • Lebens, M. (in press). Individualdiagnostik und Förderung schulischer Leistung. Verlag Wissenschaft und Kunst. Köln
  • Lebens, M. (in press). The Cognitive and Affective Dimensions of mathematical difficulties in schoolchildren. Verlag Wissenschaft und Kunst. Köln
  • Lebens, M., Graff, M. & Mayer, P. (2010) “The Affective Dimensions of Mathematical Difficulties in Schoolchildren,” Education Research International, 2011 (1).
  • Lebens, M. & Graff, M. & Mayer, P. (2009). Access, attitudes and the digital divide: children’s attitudes towards computers in a technology-rich environment. Educational Media International, 46, Issue 3, pp. 255 – 266.
  • Graff, M., Mayer, P. & Lebens, M.(2008) Evaluating a web based intelligent tutoring system for mathematics at German lower secondary schools. Education and Information Technologies, 13, (3), 211-230
  • Lebens, M. (2005) Autonomy And Views Of The Self, Psych-Talk, Issue 46, Issue 49.
  • Lebens, M. (2005) The Study Of Peer Collaboration And Its Relevance To Educational Practice, Psych-Talk, Issue 47.



  • Lebens, M.; Stebner, F. and Wirth, J. (2010). Zusammenspiel von phonologischer Arbeitsgedächtnisfunktion und Mathematikleistung unter Berücksichtigung des Cognitive Loads. Paper Accepted at the 47. Congress of the German Psychological Association (DGPS). Bremen.
  • Lebens, M., Mayer, P., Graff, M.G & Stebner, F. (2009). Ist die Nutzung der phonologischen Schleife in Rechenvorgängen operationsspezifisch? Vortrag auf der 12. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Saarbrücken.
  • Lebens, M., Mayer, P., Graff, M. G. & Stebner, F. (2009). Phonological working memory usage for solving multiplication problems: the role of complexity and ability. Paper presented at the EARLI Conference 2009, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL.
  • Stebner, F., Lebens, M., & Wirth, J. (2009). Learning from animations and static pictures: The impact of different aspects of spatial ability on learning outcome. Paper presented at the EARLI Conference 2009, University of Amsterdam,Amsterdam, NL.
  • Lebens, M. & Graff, M.G. (2009). Cognitive style and arithmetic problem solving strategies. Paper presented at the ELSIN Conference 2009. Glyon, Switzerland.
  • Lebens, M. & Lebens, P. (2009). The drawbacks of the NCTM- based mathematics education reform. Paper presented at the Comparative Education and Teacher Training Conference 2009. Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Stebner, F., Lebens, M., Wirth, J., & Opfermann, M. (2009). Learning from animations and static pictures: The impact of spatial ability and cognitive load. Paper presented at the Cognitive Load Conference, Open University of the Netherlands, Heerlen, NL.
  • Graff, M. G. & Lebens M. (2008).Cultural differences in ICT attitudes in secondary school students. Ed-Media Conference, Vienna, Austria.
  • Graff, M. G. & Lebens M. (2007). Web-based direct instruction in mathematics for low achievers. Paper presented at the 6th IASTED Conference. Chamonix, France.
  • Lebens, M. Graff, M. G. (2006). Cognitive style and spelling performance in German schoolchildren. Paper presented at the 43rd WEF Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria.
  • Graff, M., Mayer, P. Lebens, M. (2006). Gendered attitudes towards computer and mathematics. Paper presented at 43rd International Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria: Education for Full Humanity in a Technological and E-learning Society.


Sonstige wissenschaftliche Aktivitäten/Mitgliedschaften:

  • Member of the British Psychological Society