Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Frau Dr. phil. Mitra Khazaei

Industrial Design



  • Seit 10.2009 Promotion an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal
  • 2005-2008 Industriedesign M.A an Teheraner Kunstuniverstät, Iran
  • 2001-2005 Industriedesign B.A an Teheraner Kunstuniverstät, Iran


  • Experience design
  • Emotional design
  • Hedonic customer experience
  • Ludic design
  • Adult playfulness


Titel und Abstract des Dissertationsprojektes



Playful Customer Experience

Betreuerin: Frau Prof. Dr. Brigitte Wolf (Wuppertal)


Being playful is one of the basic characteristics of human being. In childhood, play is seen as an important and inseparable part of life. Children’s playfulness is mostly respected and even encouraged by adults. However as we grow up play is often no more considered as an essential part of our everyday life. Adults still play but their playful activities are often pushed out to the leisure time. It has been shown by scholarly researches that play has a positive influence on adults’ physical and psychological well-being,(see Brown(2009), Levy(1978), Fink(1957), Hendrick(1999)), hence it seems that integrating playfulness into adult's everyday life may provide them with a healthier and more pleasurable life.


Although Play can not be defined as a distinct activity but it can be distinguished from a non- play activity using a set of characteristics Depending on these qualities an activity can be considered as more or less playful.

Adults’ playful activities may be often limited to their leisure time, although according to the above mentioned definition of play, it appears that each everyday activity (in different situations like shopping, day to day communications or even work ), has the potential to get experienced playfully. the focus of current research is to study the relationship between experiencing play and day to day interaction with various service-product providers, or playful customer experiences.


Customer experience management is an emerging issue in marketing. This view believes in creating positive and meaningful experiences for customers in and beyond usual touch points in order to succeed in marketplace. According to the idea of customer experience, experiences which are unique, pleasurable and engaging and also in resonance with customers’ desire, develop an emotional bond between a company and its customers that will result in winning customers’ satisfaction, and long term loyalty.(Diller et al, 2006)(Kesava & Nacchi, 2006) and (Garrett,2006)

Based on previous researches indicating that play has positive impacts on adult’s wellbeing I am arguing that playfulness during daily activities is a pleasant experience. This research is going to examine how to incorporate playfulness in everyday life focusing on people’s interaction with businesses as customers (customer experience).




  • 04.10.2010 “Spielerisches Kundenerlebnis”, im Rahmen des Doktoranden-Kolloquiums, BUW
  • 10.04.2010 “A walk of childhood remembrances” (workshop), DAAD Stipendiatentreffen, Bonn
  • 14.11.2007 „Analyse der auf dem iranischen Markt existierenden Handys im Hinblick auf deren Ästhetik“,International Association of Societies of Design Research (IaSDR07), Hongkong, 2007



  • Erlebnisdesign (auf Persisch), Chaharbagh, 2010
  • Analyse der auf dem iranischen Markt existierenden Handys im Hinblick auf deren Ästhetik, publiziert IaSDR07 Konferenzbuch


Sonstige wissenschaftliche Aktivitäten/Mitgliedschaften

  • Design Management Institute (DMI)
  • Design and Emotion Society
  • Interaction Design Association (IxDA)

