Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Frau Aikaterini (Katerina) Mathianaki

Polymer Chemistry


My name is Aikaterini (Katerina) Mathianaki. I was born in 1993 and raised in Crete, Greece. In 2016 I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Materials Science and Technology from the University of Crete, Greece. During my diploma thesis I worked with polymer-protein bioconjugates that can be used as drug nanocarriers. In order to enrich my knowledge in Polymer Science, I continued my studies in the Master Program “Polymer Science and its Applications” at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece where I obtained my MSc in 2018. During my Master’s, my research was focused on the synthesis of hybrid copolymers based on poly(ethylene oxide) and polypeptides for drug delivery applications. In July 2020, I joined the Organic Functional Molecules Group, at the University of Wuppertal to conduct my PhD research on cationic ring-opening polymerization of 2-alkyl/aryl-2-oxazolines.

Title and abstract of thesis project

Currently, my research focuses on the synthesis of novel functional materials based on poly(2-alkyl-2-oxazolines) (PAOx). PAOx is a versatile class of polymers usually obtained by cationic ring-opening polymerization (cROP) of the corresponding monomers, 2-alkyl-2-oxazolines. Depending on the alkyl chain length and the possible presence of a cROP-stable functional group, PAOx properties can vary, for example from very hydrophilic to very hydrophobic. Poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) (PEtOx) in particular, is a very attractive material due to its hydrophilicity, non-toxicity, and biocompatibility, as well as its anti-fouling properties. Taking into account these important properties, my research focuses on the synthesis of PEtOx, its post-polymerization modification to obtain new class of polymers and also other chemical or physical modifications to synthesize polymeric materials with improved properties that they have not been synthesized to date.

Papers already presented

Novel Functional Materials by Post-Polymerization Modification of Poly(2-alkyl-2-oxazoline)
K. Mathianaki, A. K. Demeler, J. Schneider, G. Delaittre
14th Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering” Conference (APME23) – Paris, France; April 25, 2023

Organic Functional (Macro)Molecules Group – Current Research – November 2022
K. Mathianaki, G. Bramlage, G. Dursun, T. Jessewitsch, G. Delaittre
JCF-Wuppertal-Herbstsymposium 2022 – Wuppertal; November 17, 2022

Organic Functional (Macro)Molecules Group – Past, Current, and Future Research – Nov. 2021
K. Mathianaki, G. Dursun, T. Jessewitsch, G. Delaittre
JCF-Wuppertal-Herbstsymposium 2021 – Wuppertal; November 18, 2021


Reactive and Functional Polyoxazolines for Antifouling and Antimicrobial Textile Coatings
J. Schneider, S. Alsaoub, K. Mathianaki, V. Trouillet, A. Welle, A. Nickisch-Hartfiel, M. Oberthür, J. S. Gutmann, P. Stafiej, G. Delaittre* in preparation

Towards the Synthesis of Poly(2-Alkyl-2-Thiazoline)s
K. Mathianaki, A. K. Demeler, G. Delaittre* in preparation

