Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Frau Dr. Mariam Muwanga



Academic background

  • 04/2021 – to date: Mentor of undergraduate students, Department of English/American Studies, University of Wuppertal.
  • 08/2022-03/2023: Postdoctoral researcher with the EU-funded Horizon 2020 Project: OPPORTUNITIES. Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies, University of Wuppertal.
  • 09/2018-03/2021: Mentor of undergraduate students, Department of English/American Studies, University of Wuppertal.
  • 10/2014-02/2021: PhD (Dr. phil.) in British literary and cultural studies, University of Wuppertal.
  • 2015-2021: Contact person for international PhD students, Centre for Graduate Studies (CGS/ZGS), University of Wuppertal.
  • 2012-2014: Master of Education (English and German Studies), University of Wuppertal.
  • 2008-2014: Student assistant at the Chair of Business Computing and Operations Research (WINFOR), University of Wuppertal.
  • 2007-2011: Bachelor of Arts (English/American and German Studies), University of Wuppertal.
  • 2006-2007: Work and travel (Au Pair) in Germany.
  • 2001-2005: Bachelor of Arts with Education (German Language and Geography), Makerere University Kampala.

Scholarships and Awards

  • 2016-2018: PhD scholarship, Friedrich-Ebert Foundation.
  • 2017: Travel grant for 7th Biennial Afroeuropeans Conference. University of Tampere (Finland)
  • 2015: Cash-prize for dedicated voluntary services by an international PhD student, Center for Graduate Studies (CGS/ZGS), University of Wuppertal.
  • 2012-2014: Postgraduate scholarship, Friedrich-Ebert Foundation.
  • 2010-2011: Undergraduate scholarship, Studienstiftung University of Wuppertal.
  • 09/2004: DAAD grant for cultural exchange program between the University of Mainz and Makerere University Kampala.
  • 2001-2004: State-funded undergraduate scholarship, Makerere University Kampala.

PhD Dissertation

“Modelling the African Diaspora: Representations of Diasporic Blackness in Black British Fiction.” (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Roy Sommer). Successfully defended in February 2021, University of Wuppertal


Courses taught and workshops conducted:

  • Seminar: Introduction to English Literary Studies (since Winter 2021/22)
  • Workshop: Teaching literature as anti-racist practice – New texts for the EFL classroom (Rassismuskritischer Fremdsprachenunterricht – Aktuelle Perspektiven und Herausforderungen, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, November 2021)
  • Seminar: Black identity in the novels of Bernadine Evaristo (SoSe 2021)
  • Seminar: Introduction to English Literary Studies (Winter 2020/21)
  • Seminar: Black British Neo-Slave Narratives (Summer 2020)
  • Seminar: Introduction to English Literary Studies (Winter 2019/20)
  • Seminar: Introduction to English Literary Studies (Summer 2019)
  • Seminar: Multicultural Britain: The Windrush Generation (Summer 2019)
  • Workshop: Project and Time Management for PhD students (Summer School 2019, INP-HB Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire)
  • Workshop: The African diaspora on YouTube (GAPS Summer School 2017, Goethe Universität Frankfurt)

Conference talks and guest lectures

  • “Narrative Maps of Migration: African Perspectives.” Presented with Dr. Moustapha Diallo. 4th Consortium Meeting of OPPORTUNITIES (EU Horizon 2020. Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies, University of Wuppertal). Dakar, Senegal. February 2023.
  • “Crises as Opportunities? Europe and Migration in 2022.” Interculturally Connected Experts (ICE) – PhD Roundtable with Prof. Dr. Roy Sommer and Dr. Carolin Gebauer. University of Wuppertal. January 2023.
  • “The African Diaspora and Discourses on Migration in Germany.” International Conference on Narrative 2022. University of Chichester. June 2022.
  • “Black Europe: The Relevance of Diaspora Literature in 21st Century Europe.” Transformative Wissenschaften – Eine Notwendigkeit in Zeiten gesellschaftlicher Umbrüche? Scholarship-Holder Seminar. Friedrich-Ebert Foundation. (Würzburg), Germany. September 2019.
  • “The Chronotope and ‘Victim’ Diaspora: Time and Space in Fictions of/about Windrush.” 9. Graduiertensymposium: Current Trajectories in Narrative Research. University of Wuppertal, Germany. September 2019.
  • “Narrative Representations of Black Diasporic Experience(s) in Small Island.” Centre D’Eseignement et de Recherche en Ètudes Postcoloniales. University of Liége, Belgium. April 2019.
  • “Intersectionality and Diasporic Blackness: Amplifying Connectedness of Afroeuropean Experiences on Youtube.” Afroeuropeans VI: Black Cultures and Identities in Europe, 6th Biennial Conference. University of Tampere, Finland. July 2017.
  • “Modelling the African Diaspora: Representations of Blackness in Black British Narratives.” 7. Graduiertenforum Narratologie: Narrative Formen der Sinnstiftung: Möglichkeiten fiktionaler und faktualer Erzählungen. University of Wuppertal, Germany. November 2016.
  • “Narrative Representations of Blackness/Black Experience in Britain.” Platform for Postcolonial Readings: Interrogating the Postcolonial Paradigm. Brussels, Belgium. February 2016.
  • “Modelling the African Diaspora: Narrative Representations of Black Experience in Britain.” 6. Graduiertenforum Narratologie: Quo vadis Narratologia? Perspektiven und Grenzen erzähltheoretischer Ansätze. University of Wuppertal, Germany. September 2015.
  • Identitäts- und Genderkonstruktionen in der Web-Serie An African City.” Chabos wissen wer der Babo ist – Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Identifikationen und kultureller Hybridität. Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany. December 2014.


  • Deutscher Anglistikverband (DAV)
  • Center for Narrative Research (CNR/ZEF), University of Wuppertal
  • European Narratology Network (ENN)
  • German Association for the Study of British Cultures (BritCult)
  •  International Society for the Study of Narrative (ISSN)
  • Narrative Research Group (AG Erzählforschung), University of Wuppertal
  • Modern Language Association (MLA)
  • The European Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (EACLAS)