Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Frau Hale Tugcin Kirant-Mitic

Bauphysik und Technische Gebäudeausrüstung




Brief biographical details:

She graduated from mechanical engineering department in 2015 and continued the master studies in the Department of Energy Science and Technology, Energy Institute, Istanbul Technical University.  till 2018. In the same time period, she worked as a research assistant at Energy Planning and Management Division of Energy Institute, Istanbul Technical University. She assisted two different courses named as Energy Efficient Building Design and Zero Energy Buildings. Meanwhile, she took part as a researcher in EU-FP7 projects called “CITYFIED” and “R2CITIES”. In these projects, she was responsible for energy performance modelling and technical reporting of the projects. In 2019, she had research activity on occupant behavior topic in the Chair of Building Physics and Technical Building Services (fbta), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

Currently, she works in the Chair of Building Physics and Technical Building Services (b+tga), Wuppertal University and takes part in the InFlex project. Also, she pursues her PhD studies under the theme of “energy flexibly in buildings”.


Title and abstract of thesis project:

Investigation of Building Energy Flexibility at Cluster Level for a Promising Energy Flexibility Market

The stochastic nature of the renewable energy creates imminent energy balance in the grid network. Hence, the increment of the prosumer buildings influences the load profile of the grid and causes energy management problem. This new type of energy management problem has to be conducted by the stabilization of grid while exploiting the energy flexibility of the buildings. Stabilization of the grid is possible by the involvement of more buildings. The interaction of the buildings increases the chance to answer the grid status at a certain time. In this context, this research aims to answer the following question:

“To have a promising energy flexibility market, what role can a building in the cluster play for the grid stability?”

The goal is to analyze the impact of transformation from a single building to a building cluster, such that, this system will achieve to share the distributed energy generation and storage devices to obtain maximum energy efficiency and economical benefit.


Papers already presented:

Voss K., Kirant-Mitic T., Energy Flexibility Analysis of a University Building Using Rule Based Control and Model Predictive Control, 2022, BauSim Conference, Weimar

Cano-Tirado D., Kirant-Mitic T., Forchheim M, Potential Flexible Operation’s Assessment of a Non-Residential Building Through a Novel Tool, 2022, IEEE PES Innovataive Smart Grid Technologies Europe Conference, NoviSad, Serbia

Voss K., Nengel N., Berges M., Kirant T.  (2021) ‘Dezentrales Monitoring als Beitrag zur Verbesserung des Raumklimas und der Betriebsführung von Nichtwohngebäuden’, Bauphysik, 43(5), pp. 314–325. doi: 10.1002/bapi.202100028

Schweiker M., Mossmann C., Lechner S.,Kirant T.,Wagner A., Interaktionen zwischen thermischen und visuellen Einflüssen und ihre Auswirkungen auf Nutzerzufriedenheit und –verhalten, Bauphysiktage Conference 2019,Weimar

Kırant H. T., Sözer H. (2018) Comparative Analysis of Traditional Masonry Chimneys through Energy Performance and CFD Analyses to Assess the Indoor Comfort Conditions, the 3rd SDEWES SEE Conference, NoviSad-Serbia, Proceeding

Sözer H., Kırant H. T. (2018) Comparison of the Waste District Heating System with Conventional Heating Systems Based on their Energy Performance, Energy Systems Conference 2018, London-United Kingdom, Proceeding

Sınar Ü., Kırant H. T., Mançuhan E., Yılmaz B, Sevindir M. K. (2016) Energy and Cost Analysis Of The Alternative HVAC System Applications For A College Building In Doha, Qatar, The XII. International HVAC+R and Sanitary Technology Symposium 2016, Istanbul-Turkey, Proceeding



Derbas G., Voss K., Kirant-Mitic T., Chapter 11: Detailed case studies,  O'Brien, L. and Tahmasebi, F. (eds.) (2023) Occupant-centric simulation-aided building design: Theory, application, and case studies. New York NY: Routledge.


Other academic activities and memberships:

IEA EBC Annex 82 - Energy Flexible Buildings Towards Resilient Low Carbon Energy Systems (2020-cont.) (https://annex82.iea-ebc.org/participants) Active participant in Subtask A: Building clusters and multi-carrier energy systems for energy flexibility and resilience and Subtask B: Common Exercise – Flexibility characterization methods and case studies.

Walther, K., Kalpkirmaz- Rizaoglu, I., Kirant-Mitic, T., Derbas, G. (2021). Building 2226 on the Test Bench –Simulation study on the relocated 2226 building by Baumschlager Eberle. IBPSA Building Simulation 2021 Conference. (Winner in the IBPSA Student Modeling Competition 2021)

PhD candidate under supervision of Prof. Dr. Ing- Karsten Voss since 2020 – Thesis name: Investigation of Building Energy Flexibility at Cluster Level for a Promising Energy Flexibility Market (https://www.btga-arch.uni-wuppertal.de/de/promotion/)

Honor student (2015) – B. Sc. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Marmara University, Istanbul, Türkiye