Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Frau Katerina Tzavella

Safety engineering




Brief Biographical Details:

Mrs. Katerina Tzavella is a Project Researcher and team member of the Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management (RCDM) team of IRG at the TH – CologneUniversity of Applied Sciences, Institute of Rescue Engineering and Civil Protection (IRG) since March 2015.

She is also a Doctoral Candidate at the Safety Engineering Program of the University of Wuppertal since 2016. From July of 2016 she is leading the working package (WP) III of the project CIRmin (Critical Infrastructures Resilience as a minimum Supply Concept) applying Geoinformatics. CIRmin is government – funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), supervised by the executing organization VDI (The Association of German Engineers). She has supported the team with proposal writing and by conducting research in the scientific areas of civil resilience and protection, critical infrastructure resilience and protection with Applied Geoinformatics.

Co-leading (together with Prof. Dr. Fekete) the project Push4DRS she was responsible for the preparation and submission of an EU HORIZON 2020 proposal for Disaster-resilience: safeguarding and securing society, including adapting to climate change. Previously, she cooperated as a Marie Curie Research Fellow with the Sensor Data and Information Fusion Department of the Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics (FKIE) until February of 2014. She further continued as a research associate at the Fraunhofer Institute, working for projects on ground and maritime surveillance until November of 2014. Her key research interests concern issues relating to Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing as applied to Urban Resilience, Civil Protection, Resilience of Societies, Emergency Response, Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) and Resilience, Interdependencies of Critical Infrastructures, Spatial Data Analysis, Geographical Data Process and Management, Environmental Changes and Risks.


Title and abstract of thesis project:

“Emergency response resilience in case of riverine floods and flash floods, using Geographic Information Systems: case study Cologne Germany


Papers and publications


  • Katerina Tzavella, Alexander Fekete, Frank Fiedrich (2017). Opportunities provided by Geographic Information Systems and Volunteered Geographic Information for a timely Emergency Response during flood events in Cologne, Germany. In Special Issue in Natural Hazards: “Recent innovations in hazard and risk analysis”.doi: 10.1007/s11069-017-3102-1
  • Fekete, A., Tzavella, K. & Baumhauer, R. (2017) Spatial exposure aspects contributing to vulnerability and resilience assessments of urban critical infrastructure in a flood and blackout context. Nat Hazards 86 (Suppl 1) : 151. doi:10.1007/s11069-016-2720-3.
  • Alexander Fekete, Katerina Tzavella , Iuliana Armas, Jane Binner, Matthias Garschagen, Carlo Giupponi, Vahid Mojtahed, Marcello Pettita, Stefan Schneiderbauer, Damien Serre (2015). Critical Data Source; Tool or even Infrastructure? Challenges of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing for Disaster Risk Governance. ISPRS International. Journal Geo-Information, ISSN 2220-9964.
  • Ranacher P. and Tzavella K. (2014). How to compare movement? A review of movement similarity measures in geo-spatial information science and beyond. Perspective: Frontiers in Geographic Information Science. International Journal Geographic Information Science.


Conference paper/posters/positioning paper

  • Skopeliti A., Tzavella K. (2018) Geographic Information in Crisis Management. Recording – Mapping – Evaluation. In proceedings of the 15th National Cartographic Conference of Greece (conference paper).
  • Fekete, A.; Norf, C.; Setiadi, N.; Stephan, C.; Tzavella, K. (2018) Soziale Innovationen für und durch Zivile Sicherheit. Positionspapier als Beitrag zum Agendaprozess des BMBF zur Gestaltung des 3. Rahmenprogramms „Zivile Sicherheit“. In: Stephan, C.; Bäumer, J.; Norf, C.; Fekete, A. (Eds.) Forschung und Lehre am Institut für Rettungsingenieurwesen und Gefahrenabwehr. Beiträge aus Forschungsprojekten sowie Perspektiven von Lehrenden und Studierenden. Integrative Risk and Security Research, 1/2018, S29-33
  • Katerina Tzavella, Alexander Fekete, Frank Fiedrich (2016). Development of Indicator for Urban Resilience. For INQUIMUS 2016. Salzburg, Austria. (Poster)
  • Katerina Tzavella, Alexander Fekete, Frank Fiedrich (2016). Improvement of Emergency Response in Urban Areas Using Open Source Data and Network Analysis. In GI_FORUM 2016 proceedings. Salzburg, Austria. (Poster)
  • Tzavella K. and Ulmke M. (2014). Semi-automatic sea lane extraction combining Particle Filtering and Geographic Information Systems. In GI_FORUM 2014 proceedings. Salzburg, Austria.
  • Tzavella K. and Ulmke M. (2013). Updating road maps using Particle Filter tracking and Geographic Information. In GI_FORUM 2013. Salzburg, Austria. (Poster)
  • Tzavella K. and Ulmke M. (2013). Semi-automatic road extraction combining Particle Filtering and Geographic Information Systems. In the Future Security Conference 2013. Berlin, Germany. (Poster)
  • Tzavella K. (2010). The contribution of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems in the Research for the Investigation of Underground Waters: A case study in Lesvos Island. In 11th National Congress of Cartography “Cartography of the Greek State”, 2010. Nafplio, Greece.
  • Tzavella K. and Kitsiou D. (2008). Assessment of marine eutrophication based on G.I.S and statistical methods to support coastal management: Α case study in Argolicos Gulf. In Book of abstracts of the First Regional Workshop – Observing System Requirements for Managing and Mitigating the Impacts of Human Activities and Coastal Inundation in the Med Region, 2008. Athens, Greece. (Poster)


List of Presentations (invited speaker)

  • Tzavella K. (2015). GIS and Remote Sensing. Spring School of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice – “Land use and the vulnerability of socio- ecosystems to climate change: remote sensing and modelling techniques” (Workshop Opening)
  • Tzavella K. & Norf C. (2015). “Vulnerability: Definitions & Perspectives“. Spring School of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice – “Land use and the vulnerability of socio- ecosystems to climate change: remote sensing and modelling techniques” (Workshop Lead)
  • Tzavella K. (2013). Semi-automatic path extraction combining Particle Filtering and Geographic Information Systems. Invited lecturer at the lecture series of the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications of the Greek National Centre for Scientific Research “DEMOKRITOS” 2013. Athens, Greece.


Other academic activities and memberships: