Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Herr Jun Zhang




I was born in 1984 in Tianshui, Gansu province of China. In 2002, I began my bachelor’s study in the major of safety engineering in Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology. Four years late, I obtained the bachelor’s degree and obtained the opportunity to continue my study by taking a national examination. In September 2006, I started to study in the state key laboratory of Fire Science, in University of Science and Technology of China. During this period, I mainly do some research on pedestrian modeling in emergency such as fire and earthquake and learned a lot of knowledge on fire safety. Three years later in 2009, I finished my master’s study with good results and was evaluated as excellent graduate student in Anhui province. At the same time, I obtained the scholarship of Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) and had the chance to pursue my PhD degree in university of Wuppertal in Germany until now.

Titel und Abstract des Dissertationsprojekts:

Empirical study of fundamental diagram of pedestrian dynamics

In recent years, there are many occasions on which a large number of people gather in a rather small area. Office buildings and apartment houses are built larger and more complex. Besides, very large events related to sports, entertainment or cultural and religious events are held all over the world on a regular basis. In this situation, the probability for occurring crowd disasters increase largely. Facing incidents, how to guide the participants away from the dangerous area as quickly as possible and reduce casualties? To answer these questions, the understanding of the dynamics of large groups of people becomes very important.

Much of the data used in current egress calculations and simulations was collected about 40 years ago, in contexts that should not be assumed to apply generally to building evacuation situations everywhere. Thus, it is very significant to do some empirical studies and collect latest dataset on pedestrian dynamics.

In the view of above consideration, my thesis aims at studying basic laws of pedestrian dynamics, providing pedestrian data for facility design, investigating the factors that influence fundamental diagram and supplying methodology for analyzing the empirical pedestrian data. We mainly investigate the characteristics of pedestrian movement in straight corridors and T-junctions. A series of well-controlled laboratory experiments with up to 350 participants are performed in the above environments. The trajectories of each participant are automatically extracted from video recordings of experiments using software PeTrack with high accuracy in space and time. From these trajectories, a lot of pedestrian characteristics including microscopic, e.g., personal space, instantaneous velocity of an individual etc., and macroscopic parameters such as flow and density can be obtained.

To get more precise data from the experiment, four different measurement methods are proposed and the effects of them on the fundamental diagrams are compared. In the end, the Voronoi method is chosen as the main method for pedestrian flow analyzing for its small scatter and high solution in space and time. With this analysis method, the basic parameters for facility design and some spatiotemporal characteristics of pedestrian dynamics are studied in detail.



  • The Fifth Performance-based Fire Protection and Fire Protection Engineering Seminars. 6th-9th. Dec. 2010, Guangzhou, China
  • Fire Research Workshop, 4th-5th .Oct. 2010, Magdeburg, Germany
  • Traffic and Granular Flow’09, 24th-26th, Jun. 2009, Shanghai, China
  • The Second Performance-based Fire Protection and Fire Protection Engineering Seminars. Nov. 2007, Beijing, China


  • J. Zhang, W. G. Song, X. Xu, Experiment and multi-grid modeling of evacuation from a classroom, Physica A, 387 (2008) 5901–5909
  • X. Liu, W. G. Song, J. Zhang. Extraction and quantitative analysis of microscopic evacuation characteristics based on digital image processing. Physica A, 388(2009) 2717-2726
  • J. Ma, W. G. Song, J. Zhang, S. M. Lo and G. X. Liao. K-Nearest-Neighbor interaction induced self-organized pedestrian counter flow. Physica A, 389(2010) 2101-2117
  • Z. M. Fang, W. G. Song, J. Zhang. Experiment and modeling of exit-selecting behaviors during a building evacuation. Physica A. 2010, 389(4), 815-824
  • Z. M Fang, W. G. Song, J. Zhang and H. Wu. A Multi-grid model for evacuation coupling with the effects of fire products. Fire Technology. 2011
  • J. Zhang, W. Klingsch, A. Schadschneider, A. Seyfried. Transitions in pedestrian fundamental diagrams of straight corridors and T-junctions, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, (2011) P06004
  • J. Zhang, W. Klingsch, A. Schadschneider, A. Seyfried. Ordering in bidirectional pedestrian flows and its influence on the fundamental diagram, Physical Review E, (under review)