Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Frau M. Sc. Isil Kalpkirmaz-Rizaoglu



Isil Kalpkirmaz-Rizaoglu is an architect and an urban planner working in the field of sustainable building design and environmental modeling. She holds bachelor degrees on architecture (in 2010) and urban planning (in 2013) from the Faculty of Architecture at Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. After graduation, she has worked as a design and a site architect in both in design offices and construction sites for large scale projects ranging from housing to hotel uses between 2013 and 2018. She got her Master’s degree from Environmental Control and Construction Technology graduate program in 2018.

She is currently a PhD candidate under the supervision of Prof. Dr. -Ing. Karsten Voss at the Building Physics Chair of the University of Wuppertal, Germany, where she is also working as a research assistant - taking part in research projects and teaching architecture master courses - since 2019. Her PhD research, namely Performance Based Early Design (PBED), focuses on performance evaluations in architectural early design phase – particularly in architecture education, for the development of new teaching methods, as well as design & simulation workflows, which are simplified enough to be adopted in early design investigations. Parametric design and simulation, and optimization methods are part of her research. This research was partially supported by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) through teaching assistant fund within the STIBET doctoral program in 2021.

She was a member of the research college EnEff.Gebäude.2050 supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), between 2019 and 2020. She has been working in Solar Decathlon Europe 21/22 as a building simulation professional. She completed the international qualification programme SelmaMeyerMentoring for the female researches in 2022.


Title and abstract of thesis project

Informing, Stimulating and Inspiring Architectural Design


Changing needs and expectations in architecture practice, not only regarding environmental issues, but also the technological advancements, fulfilling comfort needs and managing energy efficiency, as well as advancing aesthetic quality of a design are more challenging for architects than ever. In parallel to these developments, the role of digital tools of design and building performance analysis are redefined and the use of them in an integrated manner by architects became a must rather than option. Including Building Performance Simulation (BPS) in design process as early as possible and using it not only as performance evaluator, but also as a design stimulator to inspire the architects during design exploration is one of the most possible paths to sustainable environment.

Utilizing design and BPS tools in tandem can be an important pillar for supporting efficiency, variety and flexibility of the design process. Most architects meet BPS during their education, and the experiences gained throughout play a significant role in terms of adoption of BPS tools in their future works. However, BPS is often an additive in design education rather than an inherent part, therefore new methods are needed to provide design-integrated use experiences. In response, this research aims to present a novel approach for Performance-Based Early Design (PBED) for architecture students. Methods; such as literature review, surveys & interviews, examination of existing design and BPS tools, development and test of Performance-Based Early Design (PBED) prototypes, structuring and guiding an architectural design studio, and case studies are applied during the research.

Papers already presented and published

Kalpkirmaz- Rizaoglu, I., Voss, K. (2022). Building Performance Simulation in Design Education: Design-Integrated Versus Additive Use. BauSIM 2022. (Accepted, in Press). (This research is partially supported by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), namely teaching assistant fund within the STIBET doctoral program, through CGS in 2021.)

Kalpkirmaz- Rizaoglu, I., Voss, K. (2022). Summer Thermal Comfort in Architectural Early Design Workflows. CESBP 2022 Bratislava, Slovakia,5th Central European Symposium on Building Physics. (Accepted, in Press).

Walther, K., Kalpkirmaz- Rizaoglu, I., Tugçin Kirant-Mitic,H.,  Derbas, G. (2021). Building 2226 on the Test Bench -Simulation study on the relocated 2226 building by Baumschlager Eberle. IBPSA Building Simulation 2021 Conference. (Winner in the IBPSA Student Modeling Competition 2021)

Kalpkirmaz Rizaoglu, I., Voss, K.  (2020). Building Performance Simulation to Stimulate Architectural Early Design: Integrating Design and Simulation. 35th Passive and Low Energy Architecture - PLEA Conference. Stand: Proc. of PLEA Conf., edited by J. R. Álvarezet et al., University of A Coruña, Coruña, pp. 1525 - 1530.

S Hess, D Kreulitsch, M Schmid, I Kalpkirmaz Rizaoglu, A Honold, M Stobbe, C Nytsch-Geussen, T Lützkendorf (2020). Key action fields for nearly carbon-neutral districts: stakehol-der-specific strategies and practice, World Sustainable Built Environment Conference, BEYOND, 2020 in Göteborg, Sweden.

Other academic activities and memberships

Since 2019 Research Assistant at the Chair of Building Physics and Technical Services ( b+tga) (Prof. Dr.-Ing Karsten Voss – head of the chair) taking part in teaching and research projects

Since 2019 Building Simulation Professional in Solar Decathlon Europe 21/22 (SDE21/22) as a member of the Organization Team

Since2020 PhD student with the supervision of Prof. Dr.-Ing Karsten Voss

Since 2020 member of International Qualification Programme SelmaMeyerMentoring for the female researches

