Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Herr Haydar Raheem Hmoud Al-Saaidy




  • B.Sc. Degree: Civil Engineering Department, College Engineering, Al-mustansyriah University
  • M.Sc. Degree: Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad

Titel und Abstract des Dissertationsprojektes

Title: Effects of the recycling process on performance related test before and after age

Abstract: Performance of asphalt pavements are time dependent, where weathering ,loading, extreme high or low temperatures, oxidation and moisture are all factors influencing the properties of bituminous binder with time making it loses its flexibility and rheological properties, leading to several types of distresses. From environmental point of view, old pavement are non-renewable natural resources, therefore the recycling process as rehabilitation method has the potential for both, environmental and economic benefits.

In this research, the effect of recycling process on performance of asphalt mixtures before and after ageing will be studied in laboratory as well as from old pavements. Tests intended to be used are: dynamic indirect tensile test (ITT), 4-point bending test, dynamic creep test, Hamburg rolling wheel tester and low temperature test. These tests will be conducted on aged and new asphalt mixtures before recycling then the tested specimens will be recycled and tested according to the same procedure of testing new specimens. The results obtained will be compared to give answers about the effect of recycling process on performance of asphalt mixtures and suggest the suitable improvements for producing pavements with high performance and extending service life of the pavement



2011 - now: Teacher

2006 - 2011: Teaching assistant at University of Baghdad


  • M.Sc, Thesis: performance related properties of recycled asphalt concrete materials” 1998, Baghdad University, IRAQ.
  • Published paper: ”use of recycled asphalt pavement materials for surfacing low volume roads” Engineering magazine, volume 5, number 3, September 1999, Baghdad university, IRAQ
  • Evaluation of VMA and Film Thickness Requirements in Hot-Mix Asphalt. Modern Applied Science, Vol. 5, No. 4, August 2011
  • Published paper on moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixture, Karbala university scientific magazine, 2011

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