Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Herr Esteban Marín Ávila





Brief biographical details:

Esteban Ignacio Marín Ávila is a philosophy graduate by Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). He obtained his degree defending a thesis of genetic phenomenology. He has also a degree of master in philosophy by the same university, which he obtain with “honorific mention” through the defense of a thesis centered on Husserl´s concept of social community. He is currently a doctoral student in the same institution and works in a dissertation in which he discusses the possibility of making ethical and political analyses from transcendental phenomenology. He has also developed as author and collaborator in schoolbooks on the subjects of history and literature and published short stories, articles and translations of philosophical texts. He is member of the Seminar of Basic Studies of Husserlian Phenomenology and collaborative member of the Latinoamerican Circle of Phenomenology. At the moment he is doing a research stay at Bergische Universität Wuppertal.


Title and abstract of thesis project:

My thesis project is centered in the phenomenological concept of social acts. The main interest I pursue with it is to explore the possibility of analyzing social organizations through the elucidation of the social acts in which they are constituted. The main idea at the current stage of the project is that social acts are intersubjective willing actions that can have different axiological grounds on the different subjects that take part on them.


Papers already presented:

In process



  • Esteban Marín Ávila et al; Retos cultura social 2°; Editorial Santillana; México, 2007.
  • Esteban Marín; “El día del juicio, decía mi abuela” (short story); Viento en vela, # 4; May 2006; pp.12-13.
  • Esteban Marín; “Insistencia de las olas” (short story); Babel, # 36; September-October 2001; p. 38.
  • Harry P. Reeder; “Intención signitiva y textura semántica”, translation from Esteban Marín; Devenires, # 14; second semester 2006; pp. 19-50
  • Esteban Marín Ávila; “El carácter expresivo del cuerpo y lo inaccesible de lo ajeno”, in Acta Fenomenológica Latinoamericana, vol. 4, edited by Círculo Latinoamericano de Fenomenología (CLAFEN).
  • Robert Sokolowski; Introducción a la fenomenología, translation from Esteban Marín Ávila; Editorial Jitanjáfora. Publisher website
  • Esteban Marín Ávila et al; Historia Universal I, STJ, Editorial Santillana, 2012.


Other academic activities and memberships:+

In process