Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Frau Doaa El Aidi

Industrial Design



  • Since 2008 a PhD candidate at Wuppertal University (BUW)
  • 2007-2011 member of PhD-scholarship from the Egyptian government
  • Since 2007 an Assistant Lecturer of Interior Design and Furniture department at Faculty of Applied Arts
  • 2001-2007 Master degree of Applied Arts at Helwan University in Egypt
  • 1999-2007 a Teaching Assistant of Interior Design and Furniture department at Faculty of Applied Arts
  • 1994-1999 Bachelor of Applied Arts at Helwan University in Egypt



Titel und Abstract des Dissertationsprojekts:

Seeing the future through aesthetics: Sustainable design strategy to tackle poverty in Egypt
Aesthetics, usually in the context of design, is used as a synonym of beauty or styling, whereas, in the context of arts, aesthetics means sense perception. But here in this research, aesthetics refers to aesthetics of change in a complex social context as a dynamic process that is aiming at changing the status quo into a desirable one. It also poses a potential for individual, social and cultural development, which in turn allows us to imagine and see the desirable future. Certainly, we could not predict the future anymore; because the world is changing radically and too fast. However, as a designer, we need orientation points and additional skills that help us to cope with the permanent-changing-world. Thus, the research contributes to seeing the future through a new lens in order to gain a better understanding of the complex nature of real-world-problems and accordingly acting in a sustainable way.
The researcher argues that design can play a powerful role in contributing to ongoing efforts by many institutions and organizations in Egypt that try to tackle poverty in order to achieve sustainable development.



  • 06.11.2010 “seeing the future through Aesthetics: the results of the empirical inquiry”, Presentation at the Doctoral Colloquium, BUW
  • 17.04.2010 “seeing the future through Aesthetics: presenting case studies and interviews in Egypt”, Presentation at the Doctoral Colloquium, BUW
  • 24.04.2009 “seeing the future through Aesthetics: state-of-the-art”, Presentation at the Doctoral Colloquium, BUW
  • 10.10.2008 “seeing the future through Aesthetics: general idea”, Presentation at the Doctoral Colloquium, BUW



  • El Aidi (2010): Seeing the Future through Aesthetics: A sustainable Approach to Solving Real-World Problems In R. Chow, W. Jonas & G. Joost (Eds.), Design Research: Questions, Hypotheses, and Conjectures (pp. 16-23). iUniverse.

