Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Herr Chia-Chun Hsu





August, 2012~present

  • Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany
  • Experimental Industrial Psychology
  • Ph.D. Student and Research Associate

September 2009~February 2010

  • University of Warsaw, Poland
  • Exchange Student in International Business Program (IBP)

September 2007~March 2010

  • Nanhua University, Taiwan
  • Master of Business Administration
  • Concentration: Human Resource Management

September 2005~June 2007

  • National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism, Taiwan
  • Bachelor of Business Administration in Travel Management

September 1999~June 2005

  • Fooyin University, Taiwan
  • Associate of Arts in Foreign Languages


Titel und Abstract des Dissertationsprojektes


Title: Listen, follow me: Dynamics vocal features of perceived leadership

The current research examined the relationship between vocal features and leadership perception. Humans are equipped with a psychological system of followership that evolved to the choices of leaders based partly on the physiological features. One such feature is voice pitch (fundamental frequency, F0), which is determined by the physiology of the throat. A growing body of studies found the leaders with lower-voice pitch are preferred by both men and women, and perceived more dominant and stronger. However, prior research found that masculine vocal characteristics such as low pitch produce consistent impression of dominance among listeners, these impressions are largely false. The author criticizes that human voice pitch may be an effective parameter, but not the only influential acoustic features. This is because speech is complex, and may be affected by distinct vocal features. Hence, the vocal parameters in affecting leadership perception are still equivocal. In this research, an abundant of vocal features, namely fundamental frequency, formants, intensity, voice quality, speech rate are extracted by Praat and tested. The hypotheses are that leaders with similar leadership scores on the German version MLQ-5X instrument would share similar speech characteristics.



  • Hsu, C. C., A., Roelen, D., Krajewski, J., Brunstein, A., & Schnieder, S. (2014). Detection of mental workload by facial thermal imaging. 49. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bochum, Germany
  • Hsu, C. C., Schnieder, S., Wiggerich, A., Brunstein, A., & Krajewski, J. (2014). Detection of mental workload through thermal imaging – A pilot study in real road traffic. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Gießen, Germany
  • Pan, T. J. & Hsu, C. C. (2009). An examination of the relationship between perceived psychological empowerment and organizational cynicism. 2009 Graduate Students Research Conference in Hospitality, Taichung, Taiwan



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