Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Herr Piero Carreras



Husserl Archiv, Universität zu Köln




Brief biographical details:

I’ve studied in Bologna (with periods abroad in Lyon and Paris), where I graduated in 2020 cum laude, winning the “Di Biase-Laveglia” first prize for my thesis. I’m currently a PhD student at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, in co-tutorship with the Bergische Universität Wuppertal, and a Gastforscher at the Husserl Archives in Cologne. My research is centred around phenomenology and anthropology, with a strong focus on the thought of Hans Blumenberg. I have lectured in national and international conferences, and I have published on phenomenology, anthropology, musicology and literature. At the Husserl Archives I’m helping with Landgrebe’s estate.


Title and abstract of thesis project:

What I want to show is how the philosophy of Hans Blumenberg puts into practice what could be called an “ethos of time”, which entails both the philosopher himself and the reader. This will be achieved in four movements:

  1. Entlastung vom Absoluten and Umwegen.
  2. Phenomenological anthropology as general field of foundation and justification.
  3. Technology and (non-)conceptuality of using technology.
  4. Zeitgewinn and Nachdenklichkeit.

While the “ethos of time” is not explicit in his works, it is a distinctly recognizable underlying principle which is instantiated in various ways throughout his entire production. Blumenberg is often critical, oblique and apodictical, requiring the active hermeneutical role of the reader of his hermetic works, usually dealing with the failures of philosophy from a sceptical perspective. It is possible to ground the idea of the “ethos of time” reconstructing how Blumenberg conceives not only the space for philosophy, but also how he relates to it – which is, as we shall argue, what most of his philosophizing is about, namely discussing philosophically the origins and the limits of philosophy itself.


Papers already presented:

  1. La divagazione filosofica come prassi di vita. Sull’etica del tempo di Hans Blumenberg, Università di Ferrara, 20 Mai 2024
  2. Voci dall’abisso della realtà, ovvero: come farsi elaborare dal mito, Università di Bologna, 4 April 2024
  3. Il logos e il suo doppio. Il problema dell’irrazionale in Gustavo Bontadini, Università di Torino, 23 November 2023
  4. Metamorfosi e Incarnazione, Napoli, Istituto Italiano Studi Filosofici, 1 Dezember 2023
  5. From traps to concepts. Hans Blumenberg’s genetical palaeoanthropology, Accademia Pontiniana, Università di Napoli Federico II, international conference “Hand, Brain, Speech”, 26 Oktober 2023
  6. Phenomenological anthropology. An outline for an ecumenical theory, University of Galway, SOPHERE international Conference 16 August 2023
  7. L’antropologia filosofica come problema cosmologico, Università di Ferrara, 25 Mai 2023



  1. Appartenance et perte du monde. Variations cosmologiques et phénoménologiques, Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica (accepted for publication)
  2. Al margine di due infiniti. Appunti di antropologia fenomenologica, I Castelli di Yale (accepted for publication)
  3. Review: V. Cuomo, L. Scafoglio (a cura di), "Sensazione e protostoria nel pensiero di Christoph Türcke", Scienza e Filosofia (2023), online
  4. Review: H. Blumenberg: Die ontologische Distanz, Discipline Filosofiche (2023), online
  5. Review: H. Blumenberg, "Realität und Realismus", Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica (2023/1), 221-223
  6. Ciò che resta del naufragio. Fondo e sprofondamento in Hans Blumenberg, Kaiak (2023), online
  7. L'infini anthropologique, Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique, XVII/5 (2021), 1-48.
  8. L'Eventail et le Labyrinthe. Mallarmé et l'Aléa musicale, Études Stéphane Mallarmé, n° 6, 2018, 47-75
  9. Musica assoluta e rumore emancipato. Variazioni su Walter Benjamin, Rivoluzioni Molecolari, 5 (2019), 136-149
  10. Chapter: “Per una musica crudele. Artaud e le avanguardie”, in A. Amendola, F. Demitry, V. Vacca, L’insorto del corpo. Saggi su Artaud, Ombre Corte (2016)


Other academic activities and memberships:

PhD Student at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan (cotutelage with the Bergische Universität Wuppertal)

Gastforscher Husserl Archiv Universität zu Köln