Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Frau Julieta Aldana Blázquez



Brief biographical details:

Julieta Blázquez is a Literature teacher from Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Her research is oriented towards humanities studies from a gender perspective. In her Master thesis, she analyses a historical episode framed in the context of the workers' strikes in Patagonia in southern Argentina in 1921 and 1922. Her doctoral research project addresses the institutionalization of the humanities and the analysis of Scientific discourses in the training of literature and history teachers at Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral, in Argentina.

She teaches language and literature in schools in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Diploma in Integral Sexual Education. She coordinates workshops for children and takes part in extension project


Title and abstract of thesis project:

PhD: Los discursos científicos en los profesorados de Letras e Historia en la Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral: institucionalización, cientificismo y humanismo (1991-2020).


The general objective of this research is to contribute to the reconstruction and analysis of the processes of institutionalisation of the humanities in Argentina through the study of a case: the scientific discourses in the Faculty of Arts and History at the National University of Southern Patagonia during the years 1991-2020. These processes involve conceptualisations of the history of science as a figure of discourse.


Ma: Las flores de las catalanas están sobre las tumbas de los fusilados: la Patagonia Rebelde y el caso de las prostitutas de San Julián.


The aim of this thesis is to analyse some cultural productions and rewritings of Tragic Patagonia based on the historical case of the sex workers of the brothel La Catalana, located in the city of San Julián, province of Santa Cruz, Argentina. I propose an approach to the discursivities surrounding this case and an analysis of the figures of truth and monument, from a decolonial and Gender studies perspective.


Papers already presented:

2021: Women and diversity in the suburbs: what does it mean to have a body?

2021: (Con)urbanas al rescate de lo mágico: una epistemología feminista liminal.

2022: Sobre las tumbas, las flores de las catalanas: desarmar la violencia, armar la verdad.

2022: Los cuerpos y la maraña en una ficción del Conurbano-Nepantla.

2022: Towards an education that teaches us to think and not to obey: Paulo Freire's legacy in two workshops on feminist popular education in Argentina.

2022: Del monumento al dispositivo de acción política: las catalanas de San Julián entre la voz y la resonancia.

2022: Cuerpos y voces del fin del mundo: las catalanas de San Julián armadas de verdad.



2022: (In press) BLÁZQUEZ, JULIETA ALDANA; CHAPPUIS, MARÍA JOSÉ; STEHRENBERGER, CÉCILE. “Repensar el afuera-adentro de la catástrofe. Perspectivas de la historia enlazada y de los estudios críticos (decoloniales) sobre desastres.” Textura - Revista de Educação e Letras.Canoas: Universidade Luterana do Brasil - ULBRA. 2022 vol. n°. p -. ISSN 2358-0801.


Other academic activities and memberships:

2019-2021: Educación popular para adultos en el oeste platense. Acompañamiento integral en trayectorias educativas formales y no formales de adultos en el oeste platense (Universidad Nacional de La Plata).

2020-2022: Educación popular para adultos en el oeste platense. Acompañamiento integral en trayectorias educativas formales y no formales de adultos en el oeste platense (Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata).


Scholarships and Awards

2021: DAAD Contact Scholarship: University of Wuppertal, Wintersemmester.

2022: DAAD Contact Scholarship: University of Wuppertal, Sommersemmester.