Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Frau Amanda Queiroz Campos

Industrial Design

Frau  Amanda Queiroz Campos


Fuhlrotterstr. 10






Brief biographical details

Amanda Queiroz Campos hat 2013 ihren Masterabschluss in „Design and Graphic Expression“ an der Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina erhalten. Vorher hat sie jeweils einen Bachelor in den Studiengängen Grafik-Design an der Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasilien (2012) und Fashion-Design an der Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasilien (2010) absolviert. Ihre Forschungsfelder umfassen die Themen Mode und Modetrends, Branding und Grafikdesign.

Titel and abstract of thesis project

The doctoral research involves the topics of fashion trends companies and their role of expertise in the fashion industry. Specifically in the field of fashion, there are mechanisms of coordinated action that organize information about the supply-chain and market and notify designers in advance about which trends will prevail. Trend research companies communicate researched and edited trends that by themselves reduce the importance of truth – legitimated by their role as experts. Considering that fashion trends are hardly perceptive and present little recurrence in the supplementation logic, in which a trend does not substitute another, but coexist, it seems contradictory that the forecasting expertise sustains and increases popularity. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to understand of the role of the experts of fashion trend forecasting in the current supply chain context in the fashion industry and generate recommendations for the best practice of fashion trends’ communication. That by analyzing and interpreting how fashion companies in Europe and in Brazil respond to fashion trends disseminated by companies entitled bureaux de style. In order to accomplish this purpose, data collection includes interviews with designers and forecasters and the analysis will occur in sets of coding, as proposed by Grounded Theory.


Papers already presented

  • CAMPOS, A. Q. ; GOMEZ, L. S. R. . Influence perceptions: trends of fashion and trends of design. In: 2nd International Fashion and Design Conference, 2014, Milão. Proceeding of the 2nd International Fashion and Design Conference. Milão: Politécnico de Milano, 2014. v. 1. p. 1605-1614.
  • PILATTI, G. ; CAMPOS, A. Q. ; GOMEZ, L. S. R. . Itinerant visual merchandising from a new consumption behavior. In: 2nd International Fashion and Design Conference, 2014, Milão. Proceeding of the 2nd International Fashion and Design Conference. Milão: Politécnico de Milano, 2014. v. 1. p. 1663-1670.
  • CAMPOS, A. Q. ; PERASSI, Richard Luiz de Sousa . The Online Broadcast of Fashion Trends: MPDClick Website. In: Senses & Sensibility in Florianópolis: Advertising, Design, Fashion, Marketing, Photography and Visual Culture in the Right Place, 2013, Florianópolis. Senses & Sensibility in Florianópolis: Advertising, Design, Fashion, Marketing, Photography and Visual Culture in the Right Place. Proceedings book of the UNIDCOM/IADE s 7th International Conferece. Lisboa: IADE - Creative University/Edições IADE, 2013. v. 1. p. 20-28.
  • CAMPOS, A. Q. ; SCHMIEGELOW, S. ; GOMEZ, L. S. R. . The Reshape of Meaning: Design Innovation Grounded in Culture. In: Senses & Sensibility in Florianópolis: Advertising, Design, Fashion, Marketing, Photography and Visual Culture in the Right Place, 2013, Florianópolis. Senses & Sensibility in Florianópolis: Advertising, Design, Fashion, Marketing, Photography and Visual Culture in the Right Place. Proceedings book of the UNIDCOM/IADE s 7th International Conferece. Lisboa: IADE - Creative University/Edições IADE, 2013. v. 1. p. 29-37.
  • CAMPOS, A. Q. ; GOMEZ, L. S. R. ; PERASSI, Richard Luiz de Sousa . Trend Antecipators: coolhunters or trendhunters?. In: CIMODE 1o Congresso Internacional de Moda e Design, 2012, Guimarães. Anais do CIMODE. Guimarães: Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho, 2012. v. 1. p. 1355-1361.

More: buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do


  • CAMPOS, A. Q. ; GONCALVES, B. S. ; GOMEZ, L. S. R. . Interface na comunicação de tendências: uma análise do filme Being. Educação Gráfica (UNESP. Bauru), v. 19, p. 278-298, 2015.
  • CAMPOS, A. Q. ; PERASSI, Richard Luiz de Sousa . Informar e sensibilizar: estudo da comunicação de marca de moda em suporte gráfico digital. Convergencias: revista de invesitigacao e ensino das artes, v. 11, p. np, 2013.
  • PERASSI, R. L. S. ; GOMEZ, L. S. R. ; CAMPOS, A. Q. . O Sistema Cultural da Moda. Alceu (PUCRJ), v. 14, p. 33-47, 2013.
  • CAMPOS, A. Q. ; PERASSI, R. L. S. . A representação visual da moda nos suportes gráficos. Cultura Visual, v. 8, p. 41-59, 2012.
  • CAMPOS, A. Q. ; RECH, S. R. . The Future of the Present: Why & How of research trends. Multi: The Journal of Plurality and Diversity in Design, v. 03, p. 35-47, 2010.

Mehr: http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4217335J6


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