Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Frau Aleksandra Andrejeva



Brief biographical details:

  • Since 2012: Doctoral student in University of Wuppertal
  • 2011-2012: Kristap Morberg’s Scholarship awarded by the University of Latvia Fund for high academic achievement.
  • 2010-2012: Professional Master’s Degree with distinction in Psychology in Clinical Psychology and a qualification of a psychologist.
  • 2010-2011: Research assistant in the University of Latvia.
  • 2006-2012: Scholarship awarded by University of Latvia for high academic achievement and for being the top student during the whole period of studies.
  • 2006-2010: Professional Bachelor’s Degree with distinction in Psychology and a qualification of an assistant psychologist.


Title and abstract of thesis project:

Development of Multifactor Personality Implicit Association Test
Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jarek Krajewski

Personality is an important and widely researched issue, as it allows to predict performance in academic and work domains, relationship quality, physical health, psychological well-being and resilience. The most popular model of personality is The Five-Factor Model (Big Five), which includes such trait factors as Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness to experience and Neuroticism. Currently, personality is mostly studied using explicit self-report measures, which can lead to biased results due to inability or lack of motivation for introspection, especially for constructs that are associated with social desirability. Implicit measures can overcome aforementioned problems. Currently, the most reliable and valid implicit measure is the implicit association test (IAT). Personality IATs that were developed earlier contrast positive and negative poles of each trait (e.g., introversion-extraversion). However, these tests have several limitations including low discriminant validity with self-esteem IAT. Several solutions to this problem are proposed in the literature, which did not prove more effective than the original solution. The aim of the study is to compare validity and reliability aspects of two alternative personality IATs: 1) personality IAT which contrasts opposite poles for each trait factor, 2) personality IAT which contrasts positive pole of one trait with the full set of other like-valenced traits.


Papers already presented:

  1. Andrejeva, A., Morozova, M., Orlovska, M., Katčena, L., Poča, K., & Raščevska, M. (September 2011), “Psychometric properties of Beliefs About Psychological Services [BAPS] scale in Latvia.” Paper presented on 11th European Conference on Psychological Assessment, Riga, Latvia.
  2. Andrejeva, A. (May 2011), “Comparison of Relative and Absolute Evaluations of Subjective Well-Being.” Paper presented on 10th International Students' Research Conference, Riga, Latvia.



Other academic activities and memberships:

  • Since 2011: Collaboration with the Project Implicit.
  • 2011-2012: Psychological assessment of the outcome of the summer school for teenagers and youth organized by Latvian Intellectual Development Fund.
  • 2011-2012: Psychological assessment of the outcome of the pilot school subject for development of creative thinking in 7th and 10th grade children. The research sample includes 20 schools and 550 pupils assessed longitudinally.