Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Herr Achim Tobias Leder





  • Since 2009 South Westphalia University of applied Science, Meschede
    Lecturer: Aviation- and Tourism-Management
  • Since 2009 ACL - Aviation Consult Leder, Castrop-Rauxel
    Managing Partner
  • 2006-2008 Dortmund Airport, Dortmund
    International Sales Manager
  • 2004-2005 EUROJET Turbo GmbH, Munich
    Sales Assistant
  • Since 2003 EADS - European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company, Munich & Berlin
    Freelance Project Management
  • 2003 & 2005 DGAP – German Council on Foreign Relations, Berlin Research Associate / Project Management


  • Since 2010 Wuppertal University, Wuppertal
    Ph.D. student – Aviation-Industry
  • 2004-2005
    Steinbeis University, Berlin
    Kitakyushu University, Kitakyushu / Japan
    Kelley School of Business, Bloomington / USA
    Master of Business & Engineering (MBE)
  • 2001-2004 Free University of Bolzano, Bolzano / Italy
    Dottore in Economia et Management (B.A.)
  • 1997-2000 FH des Bundes f. öffentliche Verwaltung (University of applied Science), Berlin & Bochum
    Graduate in Public Management


Titel und Abstract des Dissertationsprojektes

Impact of LED-technology on comfort and emotion in long haul-flights – Psychophysiological analysis of the use of activating light in the aircraft-cabin

Author: Achim Leder, Jarek Krajewski, Sebastian Schnieder

The experience of comfort and positive emotions during a long haul-flight depends on many factors. In addition to seats, cabin climate, vibrations, turbulences and external influences on the flight, light in the aircraft cabin plays another important role. Chronobiologically improved cabin lighting concepts by new LED-(Light Emitting Diode)-luminaires might enhance passengers comfort on long-haul flights by higher in-flight relaxation and higher activation levels at the destination. This study compares currently used cabin lighting with new technology based on LED. In the context of three simulated long-haul flights (within-subject-design: 21:00 – 06:00 h; N=32) comfort and emotion are measured by saliva-melatonin & -cortisol, self-reports, observer ratings and webcam based automatic facial expression analysis. The results show higher comfort and positive valence in the warm white LED condition.




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Sonstige wissenschaftliche Aktivitäten/Mitgliedschaften

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Dottore (it.) / MBE